Friday, October 7, 2011

Yesterday Lincoln and I fought over the Stanley Cup and whether or not his new boots were TOMS.

So what about the TOMS?  I put his new TOMS on him today and he refused to wear them because he told me they weren't TOMS.
My reply "Look I wouldn't lie to you these are TOMS" 

Lincoln: "No these aren't TOMS I show you my TOMS.  I want to wear my TOMS" (he was referring to his other boots). 

Me:  "Lincoln they're TOMS, trust me they are!  I wouldn't lie to you!  Look they say TOMS, T-O-M-S, TOMS!  Just put them on!" 

He did! 

And responded by saying, "I like my new TOMS."  Phew!

Stanley Cup Incident:
Later that day Lincoln was playing hockey, scored and won!  He then said, "Mom I now have the Stanley Cup?" 

Me: "Yes Lincoln one day you could win the Stanley Cup!" 

 Lincoln: "No mom I want the Stanley Cup now!  You have it?" 

Me: "No Lincoln I don't have the Stanley Cup!" 

Lincoln: "Yes you do!  I want it!  I don't like you no more, don't talk to me."

OK the little dude has big dreams and I was sad to say I couldn't present him with the Stanley Cup!  One day little buddy, one day!

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