Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day Camping

I am not a camper but after our day camping experience and seeing the joy on my boy's faces I just might become one.  Well maybe not now but it's a possibility in the near future.  Especially with having 2 boys-camping is going to become part of our lives sooner or later.

I don't like camping for a few reasons-it seems like alot of work for only a few short days, it's dirty, it's smelly, I don't have the type of hair for camping (I can't full it back), and I'm a bath type of girl and campgrounds don't have bathtubs (nor would I use one if they did).

I was a little hesitant taking the boys especially around the fire.  And I was a little unsure how Nate would do. He ate rocks, chips that were covered in dirt and was head to toe covered in dust and dirt.  But he loved it.  And yes I allowed my kids to get dirty!

And my sweet little Lincoln loved playing in the dirt with his trucks:

And the kids were great around the fire which was a huge relief!  And the boys got to go on their very first bike rides!  Lincoln of course was serious as usual when he's doing something cool and little Nate squealed with delight!  Loved seeing the joy on their faces:

And who doesn't love hot dogs cooked over an open fire:

And marshmallows:

And Gina was the most gracious host feeding us the most delicious dinner:

We had such a fabulous time!  And at one moment I actually got to sit next to the fire without kids...and it was relaxing!  And my kids were good and dirty and they loved every minute of it!

And we survived our very first day camping trip!

Thanks Butch and Gina for a fabulous day!  And for all that you did for us!  We truly appreciate it!  And thank you for letting us make wonderful memories with you and your family!

Friday, May 20, 2011

In a Few Short Weeks...

In a few short weeks I will be doing this:

And eating this:

Ruth's Chris Steak House

Melting Pot

Shaved Ice

Sun, sand, blue ocean, date nights, sand castles, snorkeling and my family!  I can't wait!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We Are All Sick

We are all sick...all 4 of us and it sucks.  And poor little Nate barked coughed all night long and is now the snotty nosed child.  Lincoln had a 4 hour nap yesterday and is barking like a seal too.  And both boys refuse to take any medication (if only they knew how good it is for them).  This cold needs to vacate our bodies now!  It's hard enough with me just being sick and trying to take care of two active kids and it's even harder when we are all sick.  And I am in desperate need of a shower...I haven't showered since Monday morning (FYI I have taken numerous baths but it's just not the same as a shower).  My head aches, my throat hurts, my nose is running, my glands are swollen, my ears hurt, my mouth itches and my whole body aches especially my kidneys (or the area where I think my kidneys are).  Blah!  And it doesn't help that this weather is miserable and ugly.  All I want to do is curl back up in bed and sleep...the children on the other hand want to play.  It's funny when kids are sick they still have the energy to play...oh how I wish I had energy like that.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

Highlights from my mother's day:

-waking up next to the little boy that made me a momma-all curled up in my arms.
-Nathan sleeping in till 9 (he loves his mommy and his daddy)
-Not having to cook breakfast
-Cards from my babies
-Eating McDonald's for lunch
-Listening and watching Lincoln make friends-makes me smile every time
-Being with my family at Stanley Park
-Riding the train and watching the excitement on the boys face
-Feeling blessed to have two beautiful baby boys
-Being thankful for my own mom and all the wonderful things she does-I've ALWAYS admired her.
-Eating pizza with my boys
-Ending the day with Lincoln falling asleep in my arms-that boy knows the way to my heart:-)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day Gift

Today Kev asked me what I wanted for Mother's Day.

The answer....nothing...maybe a card....but that's it.

All I want is a day (hopefully sunny) with my two boys that made me a mama and the man that helped make me a mama:-)

I have all that I need-three handsome men:-)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The New Clock

I had been looking for something to put on our wall in the kitchen area and thought I was going to do this DIY project where I was going to convert this...
 ...into this:

But then I found this:
And I love it!!!  I came across this clock in these people's blog who's chair I was going to buy off them.  I asked to see a pic of their chair and they sent me a link to their blog.  I started blog stalking and came across this picture of theirs with this clock and I instantly fell in love with it.  They said (on the blog) that they got the clock from Urban Barn and after much research and a trip out to Urban Barn I couldn't find it.  So I had been keeping my eye out for something similar...and low and beyond I found it!!!  When Kev and I were at Morgan Crossing on Saturday we went into Hudson Madison and their in the window was my clock.  And the best was 35% off and I had a gift certificate so I ended up only paying $10 for it!  It is huge and we didn't think it would fit in the trunk with the stroller so I had to pick it up at the Abbotsford location (where it didn't fit into the car at all and I had to phone my dad for some assistance).

It's now hanging on our wall and I think it complete's the kitchen area.  We now have two clocks in that area but I refuse to take the other one down because I know its going to leave a hole in the wall and I despise holes (along with dented fridges and fingerprints on the walls).  So for now we'll have two clocks plus I can't really tell time on the new clock. 
 It's a little hard to see but it's there!

And my other steal of a deal-this mirror...the one I got for $33.59-hangs nicely in our little nook above the console table.  I still love that mirror!