Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Carving

I'm all about creating memories and family traditions but I'm thinking that pumpkin carving in our house isn't something I want my kids to remember-not good memories at all.  Mainly because the words that kept coming out of my mouth were, "Lincoln please stop, Nathan please stop" "No don't do that" "No put that down" "Nathan drop the scissors" "Nathan get the cutting tool out of your mouth" "Lincoln if your going to whine go whine in your room."  I probably needed to be told a few times to "simmer down big mama!"

Today I would NOT have won the "parent of the year award" and that's OK because pumpkin carving is DONE!  Praise God!  I'd like to say I did for the kids but really I did if for myself.  Just to say, "yes I carved pumpkins with my two sweet little pumpkins!"  Probably the best part was taking pictures once we were done carving.  And we posed with fake smiles as if we had this super awesome time.  And I couldn't help but laugh after because even though I was super frustrated (mainly with my pumpkin carving skills which by the way don't exist and who decided to try and carve Thomas the Train...oh ya I did) the kids were so happy with their pumpkins and could have cared less how many times I nagged them to stop doing something!  And even though I'm not super crazy about craving pumpkins, I am however super crazy excited to watch the kids trick or treat tonight.  They're going to love it!

Now who's ready for some "Smile and look like we had an awesome time" pictures!  Oh I am!

Maybe one day my kids will look back at this photo with our fake smiles and remember fake memories of pumpkin carving fun!  Hahaha!  I can only hope!

Don't worry boys!  I promise Christmas decorating will be better!  It always is!  I'm a lover of's just so magical!!!  Halloween just doesn't do it for me!

Now I'm thinking a trip to Starbucks for one last pumpkin spice latte is in order...before the eggnog latte makes it's come back (which by the way happens to be November 3-I happen to have an inside source:-).

And on a side note: how awesome is it watching leaves fall?  I'd say pretty awesome!


  1. awww you are such a fabulous Mama! Look at you all glowing and your wonderful kids 'helping' haha! I love the first picture with Lincoln fake smiling as big as he can while looking sideways at you = hysterical. Great job on your punkins, and PS: do you feel like you have carpal tunnel now too? Since when is carving a pumpkin SO Much work? Next year I am copying Judy and getting a Wallmart deal :) (well, we'll see...) Have fun trick or treating!

  2. bahaha incs face in pic 1!! hand the reigns over to kev and let it be their :"thing" haha.. I am doing that with dust..

    we did the classic triangle eyes and rectangle mouth.. bahaha.. no fancy work over here ;)
