Monday, March 7, 2011

Our Weekend

My hubby and I finally got out this weekend for a much needed date night sans children!  And we had a blast!!  We had dinner at Paliotti's and it was delish!  And after dinner we headed to Afterthoughts for coffee and hot chocolate with chocolate whip cream.  So yummy! We picked Nate up and left Linc at my parents for a "seep o'er" and on our way home we picked up some movie theatre popcorn, put Nate back to bed and watched a movie!  As a mom I  need nights away like this...not having to fight with Linc to eat chicken, not having to worry about cleaning up the kitchen, then bathing the kids and then bed time.  A stress free night is always much appreciated and I love being alone with Kev-and we can  talk and reminisce and laugh and talk about all the funny things the kids do (and all the things they do that drive us bonkers:-)  And the next morning Nate slept in till 8:30 and then came back to bed with us and slept for a little longer!  We haven't done that in ages!  Usually when the kids wake up we bring them back into bed with us but we are never really able to fall back to sleep (it must be the king size bed)! 

We received our king size bed last week and I'm not loving it as much as I thought I would.  My back hurts and I find myself waking up in the early mornings and not being able to fall back to sleep.  I thought we'd get a new bed and I'd magically start sleeping better at nights.  I know my body needs some time to adjust to our new bed and the best part-we can sleep on it for 2 months and if we don't like it we can return it (thanks Sleep Country)!  Seriously-Sleep Country is amazing!  We were a bit sceptical going in cause you know how sales people can be and all they want to do is make a sale and you are attacked the moment your foot steps through the door!  At Sleep Country the guy there was great!!!  And I mean GREAT!!!  Even Kev was impressed!!!!  And he didn't hound us and actually cared about what we were looking for in a mattress!  I totally recommend them!  When we went to Sears the blood hounds were waiting to attack us when we walked in and followed us around with their little calculators-we call those sales people fart sniffers.  They hide behind corners and randomly add their two cents.  I find that annoying.

I finally sold my armoire and full length mirror yesterday (Kev said if I didn't sell it by this weekend he was taking it to the dump).  And while the people were here looking at it I mentioned I had the matching dresser and end tables upstairs-they loved it and want the whole set!  Double score!  I totally up sold them on the rest of the furniture!  I need to get crackin and find a new bedroom set.  Everything we have now matches and that's not the look I want for our new bedroom.  Kev and I also have very different taste.  He wants blacked stained stuff (not quite sure the look he's going for) and I want something light and fresh and romantic (although I'm not quite sure exactly what I'm looking for).  I am also on the search for a fabric headboard and found two that I love from restoration hardware!
I think I'm leaning more towards the wing back one!  Talking of wing back...I found a wing back chair on craigslist that I love!!  However I need two and they were only willing to sell one!  I've never bought anything on craigslist and thought I'd have a look this weekend.  This is what I discovered:
Dear Craigslist Seller,

This is NOT a beautiful wing back chair...unless you are blind.

Thank you,

I found alot of crap on craigslist but I did fall in love with this beauty:

They have two of them but only want to sell one!  I guess it just wasn't meant to be!

My little Nate has been going through major seperation anxiety this last week!  I cannot put him down or he freaks!!!  I can't can't leave a room or he freaks!  He has to be near  me at ALL times...preferably in my arms.  I think he knows I'm going back to work in a month:-(  Boo to work!  It's going to break my heart if he cries every time I leave him!  I have a lot of anxiety about going back to work.  First of all I'm going to miss my babies, second of all I have a hard time getting out of bed before 8:30-this is going to be a problem!  I know it will be good for me to get out of the house and interact with people over the age of 2 but I know I'll probably spend most of my days thinking about Lincoln and Nathan!  I can't talk about this now or I'll spend the rest of my morning teary eyed...and I don't want to do that!

The sun is shining today and I think today calls for going to the park!  Let's just hope it's not -30 outside.  Sometimes the sun can be deceiving!

1 comment:

  1. it IS a beautiful day out there today ! :) Here in North Van it is surprisingly mild.. so I hope the same for you guys in Abby today too..

    Love your bedroom plans by the way, you have a real eye for decorating Tabitha. One day maybe you will become an interior decorator? Could be fun!
    The wingback chairs are so pretty, the headboards - Love them! I kind of like the bubbly first picture best, but if you were going with the whole wingback chairs the headboard matching would be nice..

    That sucks about your bed :(
    About eight months after I met Mark he bought a brand new bed, I remember being really mad because we knew we were moving in together as soon as we found a home to buy (we were looking) and there was this Queen size brand new pillowtop that he spent thousands on and it was AWFUL! So pillowy and deep that I was sleeping on a hill with him because he is so much heavier than me. I would wake up with a horrible sore back every day. I cant sleep in soft beds, not since I have had kids. My back needs firm support!
    So we moved in together and ended up selling his stupid bed for 500.00 or something ridiculous on Craigslist, it was in perfect condition, and buying our pricey , very firm Ikea King size. My back felt better right away.
    If your back hurts, that bed is not right for you :*(

    I teared up when you talked about your return to work and how it makes you feel. I felt like that too, right up until the night before when I called my managers voicemail and said I am sorry, I am having extreme anxiety I just cant do it. Grayson would completely freak out if he was away from me and I had tried dropping him at daycare he would scream and scream and scream it was too awful.. most kids do that, but I felt like I couldnt cope with it.. ! I am sure Nate will adjust, and you will be so happy you went back to work Tabitha. I can tell you ,after three years at home, it gets old. Yes we love our kids, but life in the 'real' world is important too.. :)

    Hang in there, enjoy the sunshine today! I feel like getting out on my patio and planting things! Maybe we'll go buy some plants or bulbs today :)

    *PS: laughed out loud about your description of the sales people, arent they awful? SO pushy and annoying! Thats why I dont go to future shop anymore, they are the worst.. Best Buy all the way :)
