Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Long Night

It's 2:45 am and I am wide awake!  Not because I want to be but because this little babe in my belly decided to give me a little scare.  Painful braxton hicks at bed time does not make for a fun evening.  I said to Kev today, "I feel great!"  Which I know means nothing.  Because one minute I could be feeling great and the next minute I could be in labor (which I would like to hold off until at least December, preferably Dec. 22).  I've had braxton hicks before, in fact I've gotten them quite frequently this pregnancy.  2 weeks ago I headed to the hospital because i had so many in one day!  this time freaked me out-they hurt and so did my lower back!  When they first woke me up I didn't think much of it then they started coming more frequent.  Then I started timing them.  3 minutes apart.  Not good.  Then I started panicking and had a "what the heck do I do" moment.  I think I went pee 3 times to make sure my bladder wasn't full and causing my uterus to contract.  Then I started thinking about my hospital bag which contains 2 tank tops, a pack of pads and my monitor belts.  Then I started thinking about who I should call to come watch the boys and if this was something I should wake Kevin over who was talking in his sleep "be careful, be careful, be careful."  What that guy dreams about I'll never know!  And then I started panicking even more because my parents are out of town.  And then the REAL panic kicked in when it dawned on me "I'm only 30.5 flippin weeks!"  Not good, not good at all.  So I headed downstairs and figured I better start keeping track of these big bad contractions and of course...they've stopped.  Well actually they've stopped hurting and all I'm left with is a happy, kicking, hiccuping, baby...oh and an aching back but that's manageable!  Enough with the scares little one!

When I was at the hospital 2 weeks ago I felt silly going in-mainly because by the time I got there my braxton hicks had stopped and I got to spend 2 hours with my feet up, playing solitaire, listening to my baby's heartbeat.  The doctor and nurse strongly encouraged me to come back if it happened again.  It's kinda hard when you get put in that situation.  Do I run to the hospital every time?  How long should I wait till I go?  Am I over reacting?  What about the kids?  Do I bring my hospital bag?  Maybe it's gas?  Did I drink enough water today?  And I hate hospitals.  All the poking and prodding, and listening to other mothers behind closed curtains moaning and groaning.  And I love how they close the curtains but yet everyone can hear what your talking about.

And what's funny about this pregnancy?  I've had so many ups and downs, highs and lows, I'm not the least bit interested in knowing the gender of this baby.  I was with both my boys!  I couldn't wait to find out!  But with this one not so much.  Not that I don't care or that I'm not excited, cause I am.  I just really really really want this baby to be healthy.  So little one I'm going to need you to cook inside for a little while longer!

Now I facebook and blog read and wait for my body to fall back into a sleepy slumber.  I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be a long day.  but on the bright side eggnog lattes are back!  Now to decide whether or not I should pack up the boys tomorrow to get one or if I should take it easy.  And if I were to ask my mother I know she'd say to take it easy!  We'll see how i feel in the morning!

1 comment:

  1. take it easy!!! haha./ egg nog can wait.. not long.. but it can wait ;)
