Friday, December 9, 2011

The Flu was GROSS!

Sunday I spent all night and most of the day laying in a hospital bed hooked up to an IV after spending 4.5 hours puking my guts out non stop.  I assumed it was food poisoning from the seafood linguine leftovers! 

Monday I spent the whole day disinfecting the house.  It was one of those "scrub the house clean" type of days where you hope someone or everyone decides to stop by unexpectedly because the house is so spotless and clean and smells like lemon lysol.  Mmmm!  I wiped all the cabinets, cleaned ALL the bathrooms, washed our bedding, did 6 loads of laundry, vacuumed the floors, washed the floors by hand and cleaned the play room! 

Tuesday I spent the evening taking care of vomiting babies with diarrhea.  All my cleaning from the day before went to waste.  The whole house smelled like...poop (seriously it was the worst smelling poop I have EVER smelled in my whole entire life and let's face it...with 2 little boys I've dealt with a lot of poop) and it was one of those nights you hope NO one unexpectedly stops by so you don't have to explain why your whole house stinks so much!  It was bad!  Poor Lincoln was puking like crazy and Nate had a bad case of diarrhea.  When i went upstairs to get Nate from his nap everything smelled like poop-poor little guy had diarrhea all over him!  Lincoln finally fell asleep in our room and when I went in there the WHOLE room smelled like poop too and I thought it was from Nate but nope poor little guy also had bad diarrhea!  The bedding I washed the day before...yap had to be re-washed along with Nates bedding.  2 loads on sanitize cycle equals many hours of waiting for clean bedding!  Now I kinda understand why people keep extra bedding in the house.

And the highlight of Tuesday night...well for Kevin...was probably him taking these pictures:

Thank you Kevin for capturing these memories:-)
It was just one of those, "Ya this is what being a mom is all about moments!"  We had a good laugh...really that's all we could do!

My kids have never really been "sick sick".  They've had the odd cold with a runny nose, Lincoln threw up once but nothing major that has ever kept us up all night washing bedding and bathing sick babies.  So this was our first MAJOR sick day.  And as awful as it was to see my two little ones throwing up and helpless it made me feel useful.  I had a purpose and I felt it.  I kinda live for moments like these...where my mothering needs are required and put to the test.  Where my purpose feels like it's being put to good use...taking care of my babies when they need me the most.  Running around the house bathing sick ones while throwing piles of laundry in the washing machine.  Cradling warm sick bodies and whispering in their ears, "It's OK, momma's here, I've got you, you're going to be alright, momma loves you."  It kinda put a smile on face...even when I was covered in puke...yes this is what being a momma is all about...being there when your children need you the most.

Lincoln ended up puking all over his bedding two nights in a row-I finally learned my lesson last night and left the towels and red blanket on his bed just in case we had another night of puking...and I'm happy to report last night was a success!

And today I will finish washing laundry and will re-wash the floors by hand, and re-wash the cabinets again, and snuggle my littlest.  And my two sweet little boys are feeling MUCH better today!  And the best part...all my little Nate wants to do is snuggle and cuddle!  I'll take it!  All this hard work this week is going to make tomorrow's prenatal massage so worth it:-)  Ahhh!  I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. oh my god tabitha you are a trooper! Your babies are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom and Dad!! I hear you on the laundry; I washed our sheets six times in one week during 'flu' a few weeks ago = nasty. I have decided all the beds should just be covered in rubber and why don't we have extra sets of bedding for every single bed?! I am so going shopping for back ups! Hope your feeling better yourself hon.. I cant believe you ended up in the hospital :( No fun... Hugs
