Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Potty Training Clarity!

It's been a week and 4 days since my vent about s-h-i-t!  And boy did I need that vent!  Kev came home a few hours later that day, after not responding to my text, and says, "It smells clean in here!"  Yes, yes it did!  I think I went through a whole bottle of lemon lysol that day!  I love the smell of lemon lysol but it's a bit much when used in excess!  I wish I could say the next day was better...but it wasn't.  We had three more accidents.  But this time was different...this time we laughed.  Yes "we" because Kevin was home so I wasn't the only one cleaning up poop and I realized Nate's poor little tummy wasn't feeling so good so when the accidents happened (and we could hear them happening) we just laughed and cleaned up shit like we enjoyed it!

Venting helped!  And I really appreciated the support!  And I think I have a new moto: vent, reflect and move on.  And that's just what I did that day!  I vented, then reflected on the things in life that really mattered (and shitty on the potty didn't make that list), and then I moved on.  I love the clarity that reflecting gives!  I knew tomorrow was going to be a new day and all though we didn't have great success and I knew cleaning crap out of underwear wasn't the end of the world. 

Mother's Day we had a breakthrough and that is when I saw that light at the end of the tunnel.  We put Nate in a diaper that day because we were heading to Steveston and didn't want to be dealing with any accidents.  He was resistent to the diaper but did really good-no accidents in the diaper at all!  We kept the potty in the back of the SUV just in case and he used it to pee and when we got home he finally pooped on the potty (funny to say but that was the best Mother's Day gift).  And I'm pleased to say he's been doing it every day since then!  That's a week and 2 days of pure pooping success!  I've only been putting a diaper on him at night time (his diaper is abit wet in the morning) and he wears his underwear for nap time and has been waking up dry!  He still calls pee poo which is totally fine with me and I'd have to say we are almost there!

I am so proud of my little boy!  He's been such a trooper through this process (I wish I could say the same about myself)!  As much as I hated getting frustrated I'd have to say I needed that...I needed to regain control of my emotions and see the bigger picture!  Patience is definitely key when it comes to potty training!

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