Friday, May 11, 2012

I need to vent!

WARNING: This blog post will probably contain ALOT of foul language...mostly the word shit because this post is about shit!

I have to vent! 

I have cleaned shit out of underwear 3 times today!  Yes 3 times!  Nathan has received 3 baths and I have run the washing machines 3 times (because you can't wash that shit with your regular laundry)!

Arg!  We have been potty training for...I don't know...2 weeks now and things have been going good.  By day 4 Nate was telling us when he had to pee on the potty, we had a few turds and a real good poop on the potty.  He wakes up dry from his naps and has now been waking up dry in the mornings.  And then this week things have sorta started to slide the pooping department (he's still peeing on the potty like a champ)!  I have been cleaning crap out of his underwear for a week now!  And it's so gross!  And once when I was cleaning him up and giving him his "you need to poop on the potty and not in your underwear" speech he laughed at me.  Seriously!  I'm cleaning shit off you and you are going to laugh at me.  Awesome! 

OK so I do my whole..."Nate pooping in your underwear is gross and you need to tell mommy or daddy when you have to go poop on the potty" talk and I've been saying it firmly so he knows I'm serious and that it's not a joke or a funny matter.  I was hoping that would work (you know the firm mom voice) but it's not.  And the last incident may have done it for me.  I know his tummy has been bugging him today so I had  him sit on the potty while I cleaned up the kitchen (he had 2 prior poop accidents today) and he's complaining his tummy hurts and I know he has to poop so I tell to just sit on the potty and wait till the poop comes out and then what happens...he stands up and spray shits all over himself, the floor and the toilet.  And cleaning up your own childs fecal matter isn't any different than cleaning up some strangers...OK maybe it is but it's still not fun!

It's been a shitty day...literally.  And then I snapped at Lincoln when he asked me something but I was mid shit clean up and I got frustrated and sent them all for naps!  And sent the hubby a text that reads: "He just shit all over the bathroom and himself...I'm done."  He hasn't replied yet...I don't blame him!  And now I'm frustrated at myself for getting so frustrated and I'm feeling like an awful parent.  I keep telling myself "he'll get it...he'll eventually get it and this will all be a distant memory."  That time can't come soon enough.  Sigh...One day I will laugh at this...right?  Now time to de-stress and clean...because I haven't already done enough of that today...

TGIF and I don't have to cook:-)

Sorry if I grossed anyone out but I really needed to vent!

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