Saturday, February 25, 2012

Big Decision

Today I have decided...

dum dum dum...

to grow my hair long!

And when I told Kevin I think he almost broke down in tears!  And I'm pretty sure the angels in his head started rejoicing and singing hallelujah!  And I know he started having these visions:

Visions of me with long, blond, curly hair.  I'll never forget the way he looked at me that day:-)  He was smitten!

Now to actually start the growing out process...the first stage is always the hardest.  I'm doing this for you babe:-)

1 comment:

  1. I always loved this picture of you two... its so cute! And your hair... GORGEOUS! I so badly want short Mom hair, but Mark loves my long hair so, I sacrifice for him. To be honest, I am constantly wearing a ponytail anyway; but if we ever DID go out, I could do my hair ;)

    Start taking a good multivitamin, lots of Zinc and Calcium, vitamin D...! Your hair will grow super fast :)
