Sunday, May 1, 2011

The New Clock

I had been looking for something to put on our wall in the kitchen area and thought I was going to do this DIY project where I was going to convert this...
 ...into this:

But then I found this:
And I love it!!!  I came across this clock in these people's blog who's chair I was going to buy off them.  I asked to see a pic of their chair and they sent me a link to their blog.  I started blog stalking and came across this picture of theirs with this clock and I instantly fell in love with it.  They said (on the blog) that they got the clock from Urban Barn and after much research and a trip out to Urban Barn I couldn't find it.  So I had been keeping my eye out for something similar...and low and beyond I found it!!!  When Kev and I were at Morgan Crossing on Saturday we went into Hudson Madison and their in the window was my clock.  And the best was 35% off and I had a gift certificate so I ended up only paying $10 for it!  It is huge and we didn't think it would fit in the trunk with the stroller so I had to pick it up at the Abbotsford location (where it didn't fit into the car at all and I had to phone my dad for some assistance).

It's now hanging on our wall and I think it complete's the kitchen area.  We now have two clocks in that area but I refuse to take the other one down because I know its going to leave a hole in the wall and I despise holes (along with dented fridges and fingerprints on the walls).  So for now we'll have two clocks plus I can't really tell time on the new clock. 
 It's a little hard to see but it's there!

And my other steal of a deal-this mirror...the one I got for $33.59-hangs nicely in our little nook above the console table.  I still love that mirror!

1 comment:

  1. I love love that clock, and the mirror is nice too, you really have an eye for this stuff Tabitha! :) Maybe your going to be a decorator in your next life? ...
    Too bad about the clock being white and the wall behind it so light though.. maybe you could accent paint that wall so the clock has more 'pop'? .. its still amazing the way it is though.. just a thought ;)
    I have decided one day when I have a house I will copy you and get a clock just like that one, ;)
