Tonight was my big monthly grocery shopping trip! I really look forward to this night! I put Nate to bed and Linc was going to stay up late with daddy to watch a movie (daddy rented him a special movie for the two of them to watch). I stopped by my friend Chrissy's house for a "quick" second which I think actually turned into a few hours then off to the grocery store I went-childless just the way I like to grocery shop! I made it to the toy section (in superstore) when they announced on the loud speaker that the store would be closing in 20 minutes-I don't know how long I had been browsing for but I hadn't even started my actual grocery shopping! So 20 minutes later my cart is filled and I'm flustered cause I didn't really get to enjoy my night out cruising the isles and reading labels and scratching items off my grocery list and time will tell if I grabbed everything I needed.
Oh and I made a new friend at the checkout counter...he was disappointed they ran out of the throws that were on sale for $6.99 and he was told that they might get some more in tomorrow and he just killed a cow so his freezer is full for awhile and then we talked for abit more and he told me to have a good night...the interesting people that shop late at night...and I could possibly be one of them! I walked out of the store all sketching checking behind me just in case he decided to follow me out to my car which by the way was the only car in the parking lot!
Now my pantry is stocked and we once again have food in the house!
good for you tab! i do a once a week grocery shop and i thought that was good! im totally the same way... i do it on saturdays... make joben and asher pancakes and then head out and have mommy time out while the boys watch foot ball! :) i totally use a list too... i usually cook dinner 3 times a week and then we go to church for dinner on thursdays and have pizza on fridays so i do my list from those dinners, check my panty and then get what i need for the week! (plus a few treats :) ) just makes things so much easier hey? i cant imagine a) going without a list or b) going in multiple times a week especially during peak hours like right after school... WITH the kids?! no thanks!