I remember the days before Lincoln were born and I promised myself and I mean really promised myself that I would never and I mean NEVER feed my child crap! I think it all started when Kev and I were at Costco feasting on nitrate filled hotdogs (yes hotdogs I shouldn’t have had cause I was preggers and was terrified I’d end up with listeriosis but I had a moment of weakness) and we saw this little child drinking a pop. I looked at Kev with disgusted and said something along the lines of “our children will never drink pop” and then I thought those people were bad parents. I know I know...I shouldn’t have judged and there have been times where I’ve caved and given into Lincoln’s wants and needs just to bypass a meltdown. Well let’s just say I had good intentions at the time but I have failed in the “only eating healthy food department.” I still remember the guilt I felt the first time Lincoln ate a hotdog-we were at an impromptu bbq and I didn’t bring a bagged dinner like I always did and the only “meat” was hotdogs. I’m pleased to say he survived. I really wanted my babes to only eat healthy food...we are talking no chips, no hotdogs, no donuts, no McDonald’s, no pizza, no pop, no juice...only fruits and veggies and anything organic. I promised myself that we would never be caught dead in a McDonald’s drive thru...um I failed...I failed miserably...well sort of. My kids not running around with a can of pop and a bag of chips and it’s always fun to indulge every now and then and for the most part we do eat healthy.
Nate is embarking on a new chapter in his life...food and the good kind and I’m back to believing that he’ll only eat organic and I’ll never fill his little belly with nitrate filled hotdogs! And this time around I’ve decided to try and make my own baby food and I say “try” cause I know there will be times for convenience sake that I’ll grab a jar of baby food. I found this great blog http://smittenkitchen.com/baby/ and it’s been my inspiration to make my own baby food. I can do this...I know I can! I even have a magic bullet to puree his food! So far we are off to a good start and this time around I’m not setting the bar too high because I know he’ll eat McDonald’s and chips, and candy and I know he’ll love it! I just want my children to grow up with good eating habits because God only knows their daddy doesn’t (sorry to throw you under the bus Kev but you are borderline obsessed with McDonald's:-)
bus thrower!! lol.. I am the same way.. I figure if you dont give them some treats now.. they will grow up at age 9 and inhale anything they can find.. you are a great mama tab! and like heidi klum says "those mcnuggest are just so darn good! "
ReplyDeleteModeration, we are an 'organic' household. All produce, breads, meats, dairy, cleaning products , personal products (except my makeup, :( organic skincare and makeup SUCKS! .. oh, and my joico hair stuff, organic hair stuff is also horrible when you have very thick curly long hair), anyway, you get the picture..
ReplyDelete..but you have to also give them crap once in awhile. Nobody wants to have freaky kid who doesnt eat 'normal' food. The odd costco hot dog, *love them*, and mcd's burger, bag of chips or soda is ok, I hit mcds drive through at least once a week to give me a break, I am tired, and its easy, cheeseburgers and nuggets handed to me through the car window, THANK YOU GOD some days, for mcd's drive thru :) I never thought I would say that either...
PS: have fun making baby food Tabitha, its so worth it! I did it for a few months, then I got lazy when I realized the cost to make organic baby food and the time it took.. was on par with the glass organic jars at the grocery (oh the shame) so I quit making my own, lol... lazy ;)