Today is just one of those days where there is so much to do but not enough time. The floors and carpets need to be vacuumed (check), the toilets and bathrooms need to be cleaned (check), kids fed (check), dishwasher unloaded (check). The laundry is washing and the floors are calling to be washed. My junk drawers desperately need to be cleaned and re-organized. And everything needs to be dusted (damn dust)! Lincoln is rubbing toothpaste all over his body as if its lotion and he’ll be in need of a bath soon! The house will be clean for a few hours and tomorrow morning when the bomb goes off I’ll feel as if I need to do it all over again. I swear housework is never ending. There is ALWAYS something that needs to be cleaned! Having babies only magnifies the mess. I am slowly coming to realize that my house will always be messy-I have kids and their toys will always cover my living room floor and right now I can see Lincoln’s little footprints on the floor where is stepped in yogurt. I probably shouldn’t have given him yogurt to eat in the living room in the first place but he wanted to have a picnic. Ah must get back to cleaning-the clothes in the dryer are done and need to be folded and put the mean time I’m sure Lincoln will find amusement in dumping all his books all over the floor (a daily ritual of his). One day he’ll be able to clean up after himself. Until then I shall keep cleaning...
As for family pictures...this is as good as it gets:-) |
oh my goodness, same here! trying to get things done, but it is so endless! books being dumped. stepping on toys everywhere i look. for us it was peanut butter rather than toothpaste. and thankfully yogurt was consumed in his highchair. ahh, just another day, living the dream:)
ReplyDeleteI Feel your cleaning loop nightmare... its ok to let it be messy, but you, like me maybe? find it stressful when your home is a toxic waste dump waiting to you run around,and consistently keep things sanitary as much as you can..!
ReplyDeleteMark said to me the other night, "cant I just watch TV? I havent watched TV In Months!" I totally got hysterical laughing at him... I havent watched TV IN YEARS!
I record stuff..but by the time the day is said and done..I am SO DONE...I read and fall asleep..
Nevermind the rememberence of warm baths or daily showers... now I have integrated my 'little buddy' into showers. Thank god! he loves them... we shower together in the mornings..but I saw my floors are 'repulsive!' today... and I didnt clean them.. I am too tired! its friday..I'll do them tomorrow when Dad is finally home... tonight is My time..
I am reading a really sad but amazing book, about a little girl who died and became a saint.. totally fiction but... its that or , dishes and floors? hah!
I choose my reading and snacks!
And good on you Tab, for keeping your home clean.. I hear you about Linc and his Snacks, it seems Grayson will only eat out of his seat these days, it takes alot of coercion and ALOT of patience and creativity... *and of course CLEANING ;)
trails of yogurt... so awesome.. ;)
When our boys grow up we will be sad and miss it (or so I hear;)
Much love to you and your family, love love the blogs..
Are you cooking a Turkey this thanksgiving?... I just bought our organic turkey, horribley expensive, the last in the store, only TEN LBS! I hope it is enough.. those boys can Eat! :
Enjoy your time with your family, and dont forget a round of everyone says what they are thankful for!
i wonder what Lincoln will say? haha... 'THOMAS!
and happy thanksgiving to your family from ours :)