Tonight was my big monthly grocery shopping trip! I really look forward to this night! I put Nate to bed and Linc was going to stay up late with daddy to watch a movie (daddy rented him a special movie for the two of them to watch). I stopped by my friend Chrissy's house for a "quick" second which I think actually turned into a few hours then off to the grocery store I went-childless just the way I like to grocery shop! I made it to the toy section (in superstore) when they announced on the loud speaker that the store would be closing in 20 minutes-I don't know how long I had been browsing for but I hadn't even started my actual grocery shopping! So 20 minutes later my cart is filled and I'm flustered cause I didn't really get to enjoy my night out cruising the isles and reading labels and scratching items off my grocery list and time will tell if I grabbed everything I needed.
Oh and I made a new friend at the checkout counter...he was disappointed they ran out of the throws that were on sale for $6.99 and he was told that they might get some more in tomorrow and he just killed a cow so his freezer is full for awhile and then we talked for abit more and he told me to have a good night...the interesting people that shop late at night...and I could possibly be one of them! I walked out of the store all sketching checking behind me just in case he decided to follow me out to my car which by the way was the only car in the parking lot!
Now my pantry is stocked and we once again have food in the house!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
The New Tooth
So I finally got a pic of the new tooth and it's...perfect! The other one should be coming in any day now! I'm a little obsessed with his tooth but it's a big deal I tell ya! I even have a pic of Linc and his first tooth! I've been lucky so far that both my boys have been good teethers...fingers crossed it stays that way! Nathan is also learning to crawl! He gets on all fours and rocks back and forth and then usually falls flat on his belly. Why do they grow up so fast?
So today was a "lounge around the house" type of day and Lincoln and I made banana bread and he was such a great helper! He has to help with everything...laundry, setting the table, feeding Nathan, unloading the dishwasher and cooking! He can be a terror one minute and the best little helper the next...gotta love this stage:-) I have a feeling we are going to be having a lot more days like today now that the weather is changing!
The weather right now is so's cold, it's windy, it's rainy and the leaves are a perfect color of red and yellow-this is how I like fall-even if it's crappy outside the color of the leaves makes up for it! I really really wanna turn on the fireplace but it's too much of a safety hazard...maybe when the kiddies go to bed I'll turn it on and cuddle up in front of it!
He's almost crawling!
And tonight Lincoln set the table...he's really really really big into helping right now! I asked him to pose into front of the table and this is the serious look I got:
So today was a "lounge around the house" type of day and Lincoln and I made banana bread and he was such a great helper! He has to help with everything...laundry, setting the table, feeding Nathan, unloading the dishwasher and cooking! He can be a terror one minute and the best little helper the next...gotta love this stage:-) I have a feeling we are going to be having a lot more days like today now that the weather is changing!
![]() |
Here's my little Lincoln with his first tooth! |
There it is... |
...and again... |
...and again! |
The weather right now is so's cold, it's windy, it's rainy and the leaves are a perfect color of red and yellow-this is how I like fall-even if it's crappy outside the color of the leaves makes up for it! I really really wanna turn on the fireplace but it's too much of a safety hazard...maybe when the kiddies go to bed I'll turn it on and cuddle up in front of it!
He's almost crawling!
And tonight Lincoln set the table...he's really really really big into helping right now! I asked him to pose into front of the table and this is the serious look I got:
He did such a good job:-) |
He's such a goof ball! |
Saturday, October 23, 2010
One of "Those" Days!
Yesterday was just one of “those” days-one of “those” days where I just want to erase the afternoon from my memory and fast forward to bed time! It started at 6:00 a.m.-baby Nate thought that time would be a good time for him to wake up which in turn woke his brother up! Thank you Nate! If there is one thing I want my kids to know about me is that I am NOT and I repeat NOT a morning person-never have, never will! I need my sleep! The morning went pretty smoothly until nap time-that’s when all hell broke loose! Linc was sitting on the “big boy” potty watching Thomas with no pee success when I informed him that it was nap time-he broke down screaming! So distraught! Man I tell ya this kid lives a hard life! Does he not know what I would give to be able to have a nap every day! So any ways he’s screaming and Nate’s napping and I’m trying to reason with him and I’m begging him to stop crying. I put him to bed and he’s still whimpering, and whining and then crying and then I hear Nate screaming and now I have two screaming kids-1 which has only napped for 25 minutes and it’s just chaos! Pure and utter chaos and I prayed the neighbours couldn’t hear! I’m screaming, their screaming, we’re all screaming and all I wanted to do was clean my shower! After a few hugs and kisses Lincoln finally calmed down and went to sleep but then I was left with Nate-poor kid with bags under his eyes cause he was just so tired! I did finally clean my shower along with 5 loads of laundry including all of our bedding, floors vacuumed, bathrooms cleaned including the shower, dishwasher unloaded and everything dusted! Needless to say bedtime couldn’t come fast enough! There is just something magical about bedtime! Maybe it’s the fact that everyone is peaceful and calm and there is hope for a new (better) day tomorrow or maybe it’s just the peaceful looks on my baby’s faces when they're sleeping! Watching those two sleep melts my heart! I don't know what I did to deserve two beautiful baby boys but I am truly blessed even when days end up like today! So off to bed I go thinking tomorrow is going to be a much better day. Fast forward to 5 a.m. which was the time Nate thought it would be a great time to wake up! This time I wasn’t having any of it and told him to go back to sleep! But in the process it woke up Lincoln who then climbed into our bed and then Nate went back to sleep and woke up an hour later at 6:30 a.m. and he too joined us in our bed (please keep in mind we only have a queen) and there we all were in our bed at 6:30 in the morning all miserable, cranky and tired. Normally I love Saturday and Sunday mornings when we are all hanging out in our bed but only after we've all had a good nights sleep and have woken up at a decent time. Lincoln decided it was finally time to go watch cartoons which was at the same time Nathan decided to puke all over our freshly washed bedding (ya! Another 3 loads to do again today)! I got Lincoln settled in the living room with cartoons, juice and his cheerio’s and just as I turn to go crawl back into bed I hear the cheerio’s spill all over my “just vacuumed” carpet and Kev looks at me and says “just breathe” and that’s just what I did and chuckled because really what can you do! Phew it has been an exhausting two days!
On a happier note I am pleased t o announce that Nathan has his first pearly white! Yes that time has finally come and I have to say it’s bitter sweet! There is one part of me that can’t wait to watch him and his brother grow up and there is this other part of me that wants my babies to stay babies! Early this afternoon I felt a bump on his gums (I’m hoping that was the reason for the 6 a.m. and 5 a.m. wake up calls) and this evening while giving him his bath I felt it and I cried...a little. There is just something about a gummy toothless smile that makes a baby seem like a baby and then they get their first tooth and their appearance just changes. They just mature and as precious as his little smile is going to be with his mouth full of teeth I kinda want him to stay toothless forever. Poor little guy was teething and we didn’t even know it! He’s such a happy little guy and I had no idea he was about to sprout a tooth! Let’s just hope the rest come in that easy!
And because I am one of those moms who feels the need to capture EVERY moment in their child’s life here are few pics of me trying to get a glimpse of Nate’s first didn’t go over too well and it dawned on me when I was straddling Nate with his arms pinned to his side with my legs and one hand in his mouth and the other on the trigger of the camera that maybe I should wait and try this another time when you can ACTUALLY SEE the tooth! Oh and here are a few pics from this afternoon at Fat Burger and my new purchase...a beautiful black and silver wreath (it’s beginning to look alot like Christmas)! And yesterday Nate tried peas for the first time-it was an upgrade from his regualer rice cereal! He was iffy about it and it cleaned out his system today-hello stinky poops!
Lovin the milkshake! |
One "last" photo of his toothless smile! |
Trying to get a pic of the new addition! |
You can sorta see it (it's his bottom left)! |
Messy Baby! |
It's a beauty! |
Thursday, October 21, 2010
They're here!! Our personalized cable knit christmas stockings from Pottery Barn have finally arrived! And they are perfect!!!!!!! And yes I ordered 5 and I had to come clean with Kev about that but hey you never know (I don't want to jinx anything)! I love how large the red stockings are-perfect to pack with stocking stuffers and special goodies! Now I just have to wait patiently for Christmas!
I remember the days before Lincoln were born and I promised myself and I mean really promised myself that I would never and I mean NEVER feed my child crap! I think it all started when Kev and I were at Costco feasting on nitrate filled hotdogs (yes hotdogs I shouldn’t have had cause I was preggers and was terrified I’d end up with listeriosis but I had a moment of weakness) and we saw this little child drinking a pop. I looked at Kev with disgusted and said something along the lines of “our children will never drink pop” and then I thought those people were bad parents. I know I know...I shouldn’t have judged and there have been times where I’ve caved and given into Lincoln’s wants and needs just to bypass a meltdown. Well let’s just say I had good intentions at the time but I have failed in the “only eating healthy food department.” I still remember the guilt I felt the first time Lincoln ate a hotdog-we were at an impromptu bbq and I didn’t bring a bagged dinner like I always did and the only “meat” was hotdogs. I’m pleased to say he survived. I really wanted my babes to only eat healthy food...we are talking no chips, no hotdogs, no donuts, no McDonald’s, no pizza, no pop, no juice...only fruits and veggies and anything organic. I promised myself that we would never be caught dead in a McDonald’s drive I failed...I failed miserably...well sort of. My kids not running around with a can of pop and a bag of chips and it’s always fun to indulge every now and then and for the most part we do eat healthy.
Nate is embarking on a new chapter in his and the good kind and I’m back to believing that he’ll only eat organic and I’ll never fill his little belly with nitrate filled hotdogs! And this time around I’ve decided to try and make my own baby food and I say “try” cause I know there will be times for convenience sake that I’ll grab a jar of baby food. I found this great blog and it’s been my inspiration to make my own baby food. I can do this...I know I can! I even have a magic bullet to puree his food! So far we are off to a good start and this time around I’m not setting the bar too high because I know he’ll eat McDonald’s and chips, and candy and I know he’ll love it! I just want my children to grow up with good eating habits because God only knows their daddy doesn’t (sorry to throw you under the bus Kev but you are borderline obsessed with McDonald's:-)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Date Night
On Saturday night Kev and I hit the town on a much needed date night! We started off at The Keg for some steak and crab (or in my case prime rib with asparagus, and sweet potato fries) and it was yummy yummy yummy! Most of our dinner was spent talking about the kids and all the cute things they do (and the not so cute things they do)! Even though we spend all day with them we miss them like crazy when they aren’t with us! We then headed out on a double date to the movies with my brother and his girlfriend! This is the second time Kev and I have been to the movie theatre in two years! We must get out more! After the movie we laughed like little school girls when we found my younger brothers truck in the parking lot and it was unlocked. We thought it would be hilarious to climb into his truck and take a picture and send it to him (gotta love technology)! Seriously it was like we were in high school all over again! On the way home to pick up the wee ones Kev suggested we hit up Afterthoughts for some coffee (might as well take advantage of some alone time)! I was delighted (plus I love their chocolate whip cream)! It was a perfect way to end a great evening out!
Now that I am married and with little ones, date nights mean so much more to me and I’m sure any parent would agree! Probably because they aren’t on a weekly basis anymore! But we try to make the best of it...even if it’s sitting at home on a Friday night watching movies and eating movie theatre popcorn! It's just nice to get out and not have to worry about cooking dinner, and bathing the kids, or cleaning up! Plus it's always a bonus to eat my meal while it's hot! Nate started eating rice cereal and I forgot how time consuming it can be (and messy and sticky)! Gone are the days of hot meals for me:-) Well at least for a little while!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Nathan Jax-His Birth Story
Today my baby boy turned 6 months old. It’s hard to believe it’s been 6 months already! Every day when I look down at my belly and see my scar I am reminded of his birth. It’s not an ugly scar it’s a beautiful scar. It’s a scar that tells the story of how my baby came into this world. Was it the way I thought my baby would come into this none the less he is here and he is healthy and THATS what’s important. So today on Nathan’s 6 month birthday I sit here and reminiscence on the day he was born and the day I found out I was pregnant and oh what a day that was!
In the early mornings of July 25, 2009 my best friend gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl, a few hours later I found out I was pregnant and later that afternoon our friends got married. I can’t even begin to tell you the excitement I felt the moment I saw that faint positive sign on that pregnancy test. It didn’t show up at first and I hung my head in disappointment then remembered that it can take up to two minutes for a positive was then I that I looked at the test again and saw the faintest positive sign. The emotions that rushed through my body were like no other. In that instant I had fallen in love with this little tiny sprinkle that was nestled inside my body. To explain those emotions is impossible-only a mother knows the joys of what it is like to find out she’s pregnant. I love that feeling and if I could bottle up those emotions and re-live them over and over again I would.
A few weeks after I found out I was pregnant I had a scare-the thought of losing my baby was unimaginable. I was in love beyond words. I hadn’t even seen his face, I hadn’t even held his hand, I hadn’t felt his beating heart against mine, I hadn’t looked deep into his eyes or kissed his sweet sweet lips but I was in love and wasn’t ready to let go! God heard my cries and answered my prayers and my precious little baby was OK. Seeing that beating little heart in the ultrasound brought tears to my eyes...he was OK...he was really OK. I needed that...I needed to see his little heart beating and that he was nestled inside my little body...content and happy and healthy.
I think my friend Kacey said it best: "a picture only a mother could love" |
Fast forward 40 weeks and 6 days and I was sitting in the doctor’s office ready to be induced (after several failed sweeping membrane attempts). I was given cervidel and told I should be in labour within 12 hours. We phoned my mom and told her we were going to be dropping Lincoln off. We went home, packed Lincoln's bag and Kev drove him to my parents place. I cleaned like a mad woman. I packed my bag and I waited...something had to happen. Kev and I enjoyed our last dinner A&W. I devoured a mozza burger, onion rings, root beer in a frosted glass and a hot apple was like my last meal. We went home and watched tv and waited and waited and waited. 14 hours later I was sitting in the living room throwing myself a pity party when I finally had my first real strong contraction followed by another and another. It was was finally time! And the excitement of telling my husband it’s time to’s time to finally meet our baby...oh it was perfect...well somewhat labour pains are somewhat nasty. By the time we got to the hospital I was convinced I was 9 cm dialated...I had to be the pain was so intense. I phoned my mom and told her to get her ass down here to the hospital because this baby was coming...only to be told a few minutes later that I was really only 2-3 cm dialled...uh ya I had been 2-3 cm dialated for 3 weeks now. Not exactly the answer I was looking for but at least I was in labour. Being taken to my room was surreal and seeing the warming table and thinking “wow this is where they are going to put my baby when he’s born” brought tears to my eyes..we were finally going to meet him. After 10 hours of labour I finally received an epidural...hallelujah praise the Lord I couldn’t have done it without one. When the anesthesiologists looked into my eyes to let me know he had finally arrived I have to say I fell in love with that man. After the slightest pinch (and I mean slightest) I was finally pain free and loving every minute of it. To labour without pain is truly is! By 9p.m. I was 10 cm. I kicked everyone out of my room, dimmed the lights down low and was just me and the nurse. I wanted a moment by myself in a dark room. A moment to take everything in. Kev soon rejoined me and I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed-2.5 hours to be exact only to be told I had made no progress. His head was too big. Hearing I had to have a c-section wasn’t exactly the most exciting news. In fact I was somewhat devastated and defeated but knew it was my only option. I just didn’t want to die and leave my family motherless and wifeless and most importantly I wanted my baby to be ok! I talked to Chrissy and I remember her telling me that everything was going to be OK and I knew she was right.
I remember feeling disappointed, and I remember feeling scared. I remember the ride to the OR room and the pain I felt. I remember how the doctors and nurses took their sweet ass time prepping me while I lied there in agonizing pain. I remember the doctor pinching me and me telling him I can feel that. I remember Kevin walking into the room all dressed in scrubs. I remember the doctor pinching me again and telling him again I can still feel that. I remember the anesthesiologists looking at the doctor and nodding his head and saying “go ahead”. I remember not being fully frozen. I remember the tugging and pulling. I remember that feeling when he was pulled out. I remember hearing my baby cry! I remember how supportive Kevin was. I remember him telling me he was beautiful, “tab he’s so beautiful.” I remember crying the warmest sweetest tears I have every cried. I remember the world stopped for just a moment so I could take it all in and I mean really take it all in. I remember seeing him for the first time and being so thankful that they didn’t tie my arms down like they said they would. I remember looking into his eyes and falling in love with him all over again. I remember kissing his sweet sweet lips. I remember telling him how much I loved him. I remember the emotions like it was yesterday. I remember not wanting that moment to end. I even remember the moment they told me his weight...9 pounds 4 ounces. I remembering think “well of course I couldn’t deliver him naturally.”
Meeting my baby for the first time! |
To some Nathan’s birth story may not be ideal in fact it may the complete opposite of what they want to experience. But to me it was perfect...perfect in every way. Yes I lost a lot of blood yes I felt ALOT of pain but when I think of his birth I don’t dwell on those things. How lucky am I to have been able to experience my childs birth and to be able to hold him and hug him and kiss him and tell him that I love him. I’ll never forget those moments and I’ve got my beautiful scar to remind me of those moments every day. There were parts of my delivery that were less than enjoyable but would I do it all over again...yes in a heartbeat. I have so much to be thankful for when it comes to Nathan’s delivery. And it is those moments that I choose to be thankful for.
In recovery I got to hold my baby. I got to introduce him to my mom who by the way thought he was a girl. I got to nurse him. Oh what a joyous moment it was when he latched. I can’t even describe how wonderful that moment was. That babe was born to breastfeed (literally). I battled with breastfeeding with Lincoln who wouldn’t latch because he was a preemie and to have a baby latch was wonderful. Waiting in recovery once Kev and Nate went back to our room was like Christmas morning when you are like 10 but even more exciting. I don’t know if it was the combination of the drugs and excitement of having a baby but I was on the highest cloud you could float on. I thanked the nurses over and over and over again. I told them how excited I was over and over and over again. I asked them over and over again “is it time to go back to my room yet” and when it was I was giddy with excitement! Phoning our friends and family and telling them of the arrival of our little boy was exciting to say the least. The best thing I ever did was not allow any visitors until the morning. Was I excited for our family and friends to meet our newest addition...yes...I couldn’t wait but I wanted that time with him. That time to snuggle and bond and not have to share him with anyone. That time to just spend hours and hours staring into his eyes loving him. That time to watch him sleep knowing he was MINE all mine (and well Kevin’s;-) I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I had endured 18 hours of labour and a c-section and I wasn’t one bit tired. I was in love and going to enjoy every second with my new baby. When the nurses came into check on me she told me I should be sleeping...I told her I couldn’t I was too excited and in love. I just loved him. That morning little baby Nate and I saw the sun come up while Kev slept like a baby. I was filled with anticipation and excitement for our first visitors which happened to be Kev’s brother. I was excited to show my baby off and I was even more excited for my boys to finally meet. The moment Lincoln walked through the door will be a moment I will never forget. He had his teddy bear for his little brother and white roses for me and he was shy. He didn’t quite know what to expect or what was going on. I remember the unsurity in his little face and how he clung to my mom. I remember when he saw his little brother for the first time. Magical. Friends and family finally trickled into my room...and they came to love my baby and love my baby is what they did. They loved him. They cuddled him. They kissed him. I remember the love that filled the room. As a momma we wait our whole lives for moments like these. I remember thinking my life was perfect.
Lincoln meeting his brother for the first time. |
And my life still is perfect. And every day I thank the Lord for my two beautiful baby boys and I love them more and more each day. Nathan has brought such love to our family. He may only be 6 months old but in 6 months he has changed our lives for the better. And today I celebrate his birth and remember all those special memories about the day he came into the world-they will forever be etched in my memory. And today I share his birth story with the world because it truly is a beautiful story. Baby Nate you are truly loved!
Nathan on his 6 month birthday |
I must end this post with a very special thanks to my husband...I couldn't have done this without him. To say he was the best labor coach would be an understatement. Thank you Kevin for your love and support and for helping me through the good times and bad. And thank you for giving me two precious little boys! Thank you! This is what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving:
MY FAMILY!!! I am truly blessed! |
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