Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ahhh finally a moment to breath!  Deep breath in...deep breath out!  I've been a bit stressed lately.  Nathan is almost two...I think that's all I need to say.  He pushes my buttons and is testing my patience.  And my daughter refuses to nap.  Absolutely refuses.  She'll go the whole day without napping.  And I'm not joking or being sarcastic.  She really doesn't nap.  I got so desperate one day that I had Kev get the swing from our storage.  I haven't set it up but I may be getting even more desperate real soon!  I've silently panicked a few times.  I'm sure we've all been there-having those days with a newborn that doesn't nap.  I have visions of my future with a non-napping child.  It can be quite terrifying:-)  But on a happy note she does sleep at night.  In fact she's a fabulous night sleeper (knock on wood).  She usually goes down between 8 and 9 pm and then wakes up around 5-6 am for a feeding.  I know I shouldn't complain too much because I'd rather have a child that sleeps at night over one that wakes up every hour:-)  It's hard when she doesn't nap.  I right away blame myself.  Did I burp her?  Did I put her down with a wet or dirty diaper?  Maybe I'm not teaching her how to self sooth?  Maybe she just needs to be cuddled?  Maybe she wants to be near me?  And I swear-I've tried it all but all she wants is to be in her mamas arms:-)  I think she loves me!

Alot of people have asked what it's like with 3.  And all i can say is that I love it.  We definitely have our trying times...actually we quite often have our trying times but once the kids are in bed and I'm able to breath it really does put things into perspective.  Night time is also when I drink my coffee.  It gives me time to spend with Kev and clean the house.  And yes I clean my own house:-)  There is always a load of laundry that needs to be done, the toilets always need to be scrubbed and there is always something to vacuum off the floor (that's why it's always out).  And for the last 5 weeks I've been doing dishes by hand...and no we aren't using paper plates (huge ordeal with Samsung and waiting for our new dishwasher).  Taking all 3 kids out can be a handful...but it was a handful at times with 2.  I'm just waiting to get back into that groove.  We are still in that adjustment period and I know I'll get to that point soon where travelling with 3 kids is easy peasy!  I will admit I've had my moments where I've wanted to pull out my hair but I had those moments when I had 2 kids and when I had 1 kid.  Heck I even had those moments when I didn't have kids:-)

I finally made it out to Ikea on the weekend!  I've been talking about organizing the kids play room for a year and I finally decided to go and do it!  I was a tab bit disappointed!  I had picked out white baskets for the Ikea expedit book shelf and of course they don't carry them.  Ugh!  I wasn't too fond of the wicker ones or the black fabric ones.  The wicker ones cost $20 each and I needed 8 and I just couldn't justify spending $160 on baskets when I didn't love them!  So we settled for the less attractive black fabric ones!  And finally our play room is organized!  I went through all the kids toys and hucked out all the broken and little pieces!  My pet peeve is toys that come with little pieces!  The kids never play with them and they just end up taking up space and getting lost or I'll find them under the couch.  So I hucked out most of the small little toys (little hay bales, little men figurines, McDonald's toys etc).


Now i just need to find some art for the walls!  One day I'll have a beautiful dining room with a gorgeous table and it will always be staged and I'll have a hutch filled with mismatched vintage dishes.  But until then it will remain the play room!

Kevin was ever so kind and patient to stop at HomeSense in Coquitlam.  I was like a mad woman in that store grabbing things off the shelf left, right and center.  I was kid free, my cart was empty and I had the whole store to myself!!!  When I walked in my heart started to race and I could feel myself starting to panic.  Where do I start?  Needless to say it was a successful day!  And they even had the silver end table I was looking for for London's room!  I have one in my room and I love the look of it.  They had the exact same one there but I decided to go with the more simple looking one (and it was $20 cheaper) which ended up being a mistake because the next day I ended up having to drive all the way back to HomeSense in Coquitlam to exchange it for the other one) but I was still thrilled to finally have it!  Home Sense did not disappoint!  I got a bunch of little knick knacks and accessories mostly for Lincoln's room and I loved everything I got!  I love Restoration Hardware but there stuff can be quite pricey.  I ended up getting a bunch of stuff that looks so similar to the stuff I wanted from Restoration Hardware:-)
Restoration Hardware


Restoration Hardware
I finally have 1 section of Lincoln's room decorated:
 I bought two star hooks to go on the left side of his dresser from Cozy Home and I just need to hang them (or maybe I'll be able to bribe Kevin to hang them).  They are the same ones Nate has in his room:

Oh how I love Home Sense!  And the thrill of finding what you want!

And a sweet bouquet of flowers for London's room:-)  I can't wait to have her room complete!  We found the perfect chandelier for her room and now all I need is some pictures for her walls!

I was having trouble deciding what to put on the wall in our foyer.  I bought picture frames from Ikea but then it seemed like we had way too many framed pictures in the house.  So then we decided on art.  But now I needed to find the perfect art piece.  And then today it happened.  I was at Cozy Home in Abbotsford picking up the two star hooks I bought for Lincoln's room when I came across the perfect piece.  I bought it without hesitation.

I know they aren't the best pictures but I love the colors in it (it's got shades of grey and silver in it)!   I also found the perfect pillows for my chair upstairs:

Ahhh I love that I'm finally getting abit closer to having this house decorated.  I've made a list of all the things I need to buy and it feels so good to finally start crossing some of those things off!

And on a side note-I just learned that my Instagram "followers" can view ALL of my instagram photos!  Holy moly!  I instagram EVERYTHING!!!!  If I knew that I'd probably not instragram everything so much!!!!

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