So how'd it go?
Awesome with a capital A (insert fist pump)!
We survived! It wasn't hell! No one shed any major tears! There weren't any melt downs and most importantly no one wanted to throw themselves out of the plane! Ya!
We flew with Westjet (we normally fly Hawaiian Air) but the travel times with Westjet were better and we got to leave from Vancouver (double bonus). Our flight left at 6:30 pm which gave us plenty of time to get something to eat and it was close to the kids bedtime. We scored big time travelling there-we booked our seats 2 and 2. Kevin got to fly with Lincoln and I got to fly with Nate and London (how I ended up with the 2 youngest I'll never know but that's not how I planned it in my head). My genius husband (man that guy is amazing and full of super awesome ideas) thought it would be best if we flew 3 and 1 (westjets seats are 2 rows with 3 seats). That would mean I would be flying in a row with Lincoln, Nathan and London and Kevin would be sitting in the row next to us...ALONE aka kid free! Um no! I didn't let that one slide by me...and he acted surprise when my eyes bulged out of my head and I replied "are you kidding me?" I may have dropped the f bomb in that sentence as well! We lucked out and we both had empty seats next to us and our rows were right across from each other. Nathan was able to sleep on two seats and my sweet little girl got to cuddle in my arms for six hours. Kevin lucked out because not only was the seat next to him and Lincoln empty but he also got to fly with Lincoln-the worlds greatest flyer-he watched a movie on his dvd player and then called it a night and slept the entire way! Nate was pretty good and I was so thankful for the empty seat! He watched Caillou and played cars and trains. We arrived at 12:30 am our time (9:30 pm Maui time) and were greeted by my parents. My mom bought two carseats so they were able to take Lincoln and Nathan home with them right away while London and I waited at the airport for Kevin to pick up our rental.
Flying home was even better. Our flight left Maui at 10:40 pm so we were able to still get in a full day of relaxing and hanging out at the beach and our sweet little angels slept the whole way home. We didn't luck out seat wise on the way home...they sat someone next to both of us and the poor lady that sat in the row with Nate and I kept getting kicked by Nathan when he was sleeping. And of course Lincoln fell asleep as soon as we left the ground!
Kevin gets abit of anxiety about flying with the kids-you never know how they are going to act. I, on the other hand, don't (which is funny because I normally have major anxiety). I think Kevin has flash backs of flying with Lincoln when he was younger...and the reverse affect gravol had on him and that feeling of wanting to jump out of the plain because our 2 year old was going freakin nuts and there was nothing we could do! Thankfully he out grew that stage! I don't get anxiety because the way I look at it: we are going on vacation, the flight will not last forever and we are going somewhere hot and beautiful so why fret the plane ride there! I get that flying with kids can be stressful...there is 2 of us and 3 of them. We are out numbered. But Lincoln's 3 (almost 4) and he's content with his dvd player and some snacks-he's also at that age where you can reason with him or worse case scenario...bribe him. Nathan is at that iffy stage (you know...he's almost 2...need I say more) and he was the one I was most worried about-you can't reason as much with him and bribing can only go so far before he's lying on the floor screaming trying to crawl underneath the seats. And well then there's London...sweet little London-at 3 months old that is such a good travelling age...all she wanted to do was nurse and cuddle...can't complain about that:-)
And here are a few photo's from our flight there! Is there anything cuter than a toddler with his suitcase?
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Wearing their "flying outfits!" |
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