And then came the laundry. Someone left a pack of gum in their pocket...I don't wanna name names but I will tell you that all that was in the wash was Lincoln's bedding and 3 pairs of Kevin's jeans. Nothing like scrapping gum out of the washing machining, clothes and bedding. Today I only conquered 1 load of laundry...well 2 if you count the fact that I had to wash the same load twice.
Then I went to go order the photo book I made for London from MyPublisher. It consisted of 100 pages. I went through all her photo's and put my heart and soul into that book. I logged on and it was gone. Non existent. I phoned the help line. Well since someone hacked into our computer and took $5300 from my account we had to get the computer re-formatted. I backed up all our photos. I did not back up MyPublisher. I assumed it was saved through them. It wasn't. So all that hard work went down the drain. I cried. Then proceed to make her a new book.
My house
I wore this all day.
Dinner tonight consisted of a rotisserie was store bought. I even cracked open a cold one. It was that type of day.
And then came this moment. The moment I saw this photo:
I cried again. He is perfect and precious. I then smiled and decided to take my baby girl upstairs and have a bath. It was perfect. We girl talked and made all sorts of promises to each other until our toes were shrivelled.
So here I am thinking my night was turned completely around. I was happy so I told Kev "let's put the kids to bed early and sit on the patio by the fire and drink coffee." Sounds romantic right? Well some how Kev ended up outside by himself sitting by the fire drinking coffee while I was inside with an almost 4 year old who was lacking in respect, a screaming baby and a content 2 year old. No hard feelings Kev:-)
And now to finish this post with the wise words from Kelly Clarkson..."What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!" Why thanks Kelly for the reminder.
All is good now...the kids are in bed and tomorrow is a new day:-)