Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Body

Let me tell ya about my body.  I'll give you a visual:-)

My face is fat...actually it's not fat it just looks like my skull has just gotten bigger.
My shoulders are thick...line backer thick...I'd make a good football player.
I can't see my collar bones any more-I do check to make sure they are still there.
My boobs are huge...and I mean sloppy, nasty, not nice HUGE!
My well...big for obvious reasons!
My ass...I can't see it but I know it isn't pretty (I finally found a hole in my extra small leggings...yes I'm still rocking the see through extra small leggings-I'm having a hard time letting go).
I have a muffin top...enough said.
My ankles are cankles.
My fingers and toes are swollen...I can't even wear my wedding rings.
And I can no longer feel my calf muscles (water retention, damn water retention).

I would take a picture...but lets face body clearly isn't picture worthy.

And all though my body is a swollen mess, and my back aches and nothing fits and bits and pieces of fat are hanging over my bra and underwear...there is still something I just love about being pregnant and I'm not quite ready to let go of that.  I still think it's about feeling beautiful from the inside.  Knowing I have an active, healthy growing baby in my belly makes every pound on the scale oh so worth it.  And as much as I'm ready to be "thin" again I just don't know if I'm ready to let go!  I don't know if I want this pregnancy to be over.

I have my whole life to be thin (well let's just hope so), in fact I have my entire life to work out and eat healthy but I only have 3 short weeks to enjoy, what will probably be, my last pregnancy.  It's very bittersweet right now.   Very bitter sweet indeed:-)

So what does one do when they are feeling very large?  They buy themselves a new bathing suit...I see it as a form of motivation for after the baby is born.  And this my friends is my new bathing suit:,default,pd.html?dwvar_Y54817_color=458&start=1&cgid=womens-swim

I'm in love...with a bathing suit!

1 comment:

  1. omg that brings back some memories Tabitha. You will be rocking that bathing suit in Hawaii (gorgous as usual) in no time flat...

    Your last pregnancy? Really? Are you stopping at three ? I would have liked to have had three, that was my number; but I met Mark who already had an eight year old from his previous marriage so... I had to stop at two :( Oh well, two wonderful kids is better than none! I remember wishing (despite my discomfort) to have my pregnancy last forever too.. its such a wonderful feeling...
