Today was our 3D/4D ultrasound day. I have to say I was a little anxious about it! Mainly because this time we didn't want to find out the sex of the baby and with all the ultrasounds I've been having I was worried this would be the one that would reveal our babies gender! And I'll just let it be known now...we DO NOT know the gender of the baby! I'm being completely honest this time! And of course I was anxious and the ultrasound machine refused to work and I layed there for 45 minutes while she tried time and time again to get the darn thing to work. And all I kep thinking was "don't put the wand near the baby's legs!" and "baby don't roll over and reveal your goods!" It all worked out in the end and we finally got to see our precious little one! I've always loved doing the 3D ultrasound. And I don't think it takes away the surprise of what your baby looks like because with both boys I never thought they looked anything like their 3D photo's. At first I thought this one looked like a boy...and then I thought girl and now after going through all of them I'm still thinking boy! I think the bottom picture looks like a girl but then when I compare it to the picture of Lincoln I think boy! I guess we'll just have to wait and see:-) And a fun little fact...both our boys had hair at their 3D ultrasound and this one right now is bald!
Baby #3 at 26 weeks! |
Lincoln at 26 weeks! |
Nathan at 29 weeks!
I will admit I was very tempted to find out. Especially last night. I kept thinking "If I want to know we can find out would be just so easy to find out." And I'm glad we didn't. Baby #3 kept it's little hands by it's face the whole time and then got flexible and had both legs up by it's face. Every time I see this little one I fall more and more in love! I wanna say I can't wait to meet this little one but at this point in time and with all that's been going on I'm just going to say "Stay in their little one when you are plump, ripe and ready and then you can come out and meet us!"
Here is baby #3!!!!
I am so excited for you!!! Meeting your new baby is so amazing...I wish I could have more babies!