Saturday, July 30, 2011


*I like to leave the price tags on EVERYTHING.  It makes it seem new for longer.

*Sometimes I parent from the couch.  Come on we all do it!

*I wear the ghetto'est flannel pj's ALL the time, with the ghetto'est shirt.  I can't part from them.  (Kacey you'd be happy to know I have safely stored my orange shirt.  I have found a new love...a black men's gun shirt...we're BFF's)

*I leave my vaccuum cleaner out ALWAYS.  I've put it away twice since we moved in.  Why put it away when I vaccuum 1, 2, 3, 4 sometimes 5 times a day!

*I take WAY too many photo's!  Kev said I need to learn to start "living in the moment."  Well my moment is taking pictures.  Photo's are my memory.

*I love organization and getting rid of clutter and unnecessary junk (oh it feels so good) but I am secretly a hoarder.  Everything has some sort of sentimental value.  In fact I still have my very first bra.  Why?  I don't know!  One day it could come in handy.  Plus it's always nice seeing my growth progress!  Things I don't hoard: Kevin's stuff (sorry Kev).


  1. these are great confessions!! why oh why do we keep these things!! my pj collection is just horrible.. haha..

    I have tried to step back and take less photos and "enjoy the moment" and its true that I do.. but then there are no pics to document it.. haha :0

  2. Love your confessions. They are so normal! I too keep price tags on things.. but for me its CLOTHES! I NEVER return them.. but I currently have about eight dresses I have never worn each over 100-150 dollars each or more I love seeing them hanging all pretty with their price tags on! ..even though I never get to go out these last few years and dress up to wear them.. I have satisfaction with my hoard of brand new shiny shoes and dresses... and the vaccume.. too funny... I never vaccume! i have given up.. I vacume like once a week who cares its just going to get gross anyway... lol... and I parent from the couch with TV... while I READ my book, but I console myself that my son has known his ABC's, a little french, All his numbers up to a hundred, and shapes and colors since he could speak, because the TV he watches is ten episodes of Brainy Baby I downloaded that play in a loop.. so therefore I can bury myself in a book and let him watch , and tell myself I am still an ok parent , maybe? haha... I thought I was spoiling moments taking too many pics so I havent taken any for way too long now.. dont stop, its a good thing to do. I am going to start again :)

  3. ooh I have to mention one last thing.. .there is a beautiful Palm tree I bought TWO years ago on my patio that STILL has the tag on it.. its huge and grown several feet, but the price tag is waterproof and huge and still on it.... we are weirdos.. !
