Monday, April 11, 2011

Food! Food! Food!

I am not a dieter or calorie counter, or someone who works out regularly (though I have been known to hit the elliptical trainer before the summer months).  I love food.  And I eat goodies in moderation.  But after this weekend I think I need to watch what I eat for a bit cause I ate a lot of crap.  I indulged over and over and over again.  I was like a junkie on a binge.  And it was good..real good!  But now I have that rotting feeling in my stomach. 

No I'm not about to diet-I tried once and failed by noon.  I'm not about to calorie count-I don't have the time.  And the elliptical trainer is in the corner of the garage and I have no motivation to get on it...yet.  I just need to get back into our regular food routine. 

If I kept a food diary this weekend this is what it would read:

Friday April 8, 2011
Dear Food Diary,
Dinner-2 pieces of pizza and 1 garlic cheese toast

Saturday April 9, 2011
Dear Food Diary,
Breakfast-2 eggos with butter and syrup
Lunch-Triple O's-Burger and Fries Combo
Dinner-McDonald's Chicken Burger Combo

Sunday April 10, 2011
Breakfast, lunch and dinner-cupcakes, burger, candy, chocolate covered strawberries, salsa, chips, salad, fruit, more cupcakes, candy, chips, salsa, and some more chocolate covered strawberries, candy, chips etc.

After a weekend full of yummy greasy fattening food I'm going to take it easy this morning and enjoy a banana and a cup of coffee!  I'm feeling a little plump today.  I should probably just wear my lulu's all day!

1 comment:

  1. omg I hear you. We have a broken fridge. My food diary would be very simmilar, except put in Mcdonalds at LEAST once per day for the last week, add lots of SODA and Iced teas.. and cheezies and chips, salsa con queso, the nasty fake stuff.. god help me... PLUS we got into the halloween candy, intersperse that with some subway subs each day smothered in my favorite sauce in the world, southwest. Dont even ask the fat content on that nasty stuff...
    Sigh... I also am going to behave this week, thanks for reminding me!
