Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sales 101

I'm not a sales person...nor will I ever be.  When I use to work at Milestone's they tried to encourage us to use the "shot gun" approach to sales.  "How are you ladies doing this evening?  Can I start you all off with a Belini?"  It was just too pushy for me.  I never did it.  I don't like when people assume they know what I will be drinking and for me something like that is a turn off when I'm having dinner.  So I never used that approach.  Hats off to those that are in sales.  I know it's a hard job especially when you are working off commission.  Kev's in sales and I totally admire him and his selling ability.  But it's just not MY thing.

OK it has to be said...I hate Mantique.  And I know hate is a really strong word so maybe I should say I dislike Mantique but seriously the sales people in there are crazy and they ALL say the same thing whenever we walk through the door.  Kev, the kids and I were at the Langley Mantique on Sunday...there first response.."Oh you brought both kids out today"...yes, yes we did.  I went into the Abbotsford Mantique yesterday and what's the first thing out of the guys mouth...."I see you brought both kids out today"...yes yes I did I thought I'd take them both out of their cages for some fresh air.  Is it odd to see a woman at the mall with two kids?  I shouldn't think so.  And then there's the compliments that follow.  "Oh I like your sweater, where'd you get it"  You've got to be joking.  This old snagged sweater.  And then there's the guy that tries to relate..."Ya I got a nephew...bla bla bla"  Wow he's got a me dude having kids is nothing like having a nephew.

And then the do the whole "are you looking for anything specific today?"  No.  And then why do they feel the need to follow you around showing things and talking about random stuff.  Dudes I wanna shop in peace in quiet. 

Whatever happened to this:
"Hi, how are you doing today"
"Are you looking for anything specific"
"Ok, well if you need any help let me know"

Don't they use that approach anymore?  It's like Sales 101-acknowledge the shopper, let them know you are they if they need you, and then leave them alone.

One of these days I will tell them to back off and let me shop without being followed.  It is annoying.  And I refuse to make eye contact with any of them or else I'm committed to buying something.  They are like sharks.  In a tank.  Desperately needing food.  And probably my all time favorite mantique move was when Chrissy and I were in Mantique in Metrotown.  Chrissy needed a smaller size in jeans and she asked him if the abbotsford store had the size she needed.  He left, came back and said no-I'm sure he was ticked that he wouldn't be getting the commission.  Well as soon as we left the store, Chrissy phoned  the Mantique in Abbotsford.  They had her size.  He never phoned.

So there's my rant on Mantique.  I think they are in need of some new sales techniques.  I know I shouldn't complain because they are just doing their job and I'm sure it's not easy being in sales but I find it such a turn off when I'm being stalked while shopping in a store.  I also know I could just not go in there.  But...I'm in need of some new jeans and Sevenoaks offers very little selection when it comes to stores that carry jeans.

There I'm done.  I just had to get it out!

1 comment:

  1. bahahaa.. love it!! and yah for chrissy needing a smaller size ;)!!
