I knew this wasn't going to be easy but this whole potty training thing is sucking the life out of me! And tonight I am drained. Lincoln is my stubborn, hard headed, move at his own pace type of child-he's been like that since the moment he was born! People have been telling me when he's ready to potty train he'll let me know and I believe that to some extent. I also believe that some children just need that little push-and that's what I am doing and I am hoping and praying I don't scar him in the process. Lincoln hates sitting on the potty and I feel like I am forcing him and he screams and cries and it breaks my heart but he'll hold his pee for 12 hours and that can't be good! Even with a diaper on he wouldn't pee! And I feel bad cause I told him not to pee in his diaper and that big boys go pee on the potty and sure enough he wakes up dry but then refuses to pee on the potty and I know his bladder is full and it's gotta be hurting! Do I go full steam ahead and keep on him or did I back off and hope and pray he comes to me and tells me he's ready! I really don't know what to do in this situation. He did so good the first and second day and the last three have been exhausting and I've run out of patience.
I took a break from writing this and looked on Kelle Hampton's blog (she's so inspiring) to read her updated blog post...it's about her friends son who's eight and has died from a sledding accident...it makes my potty training trials seem so unimportant...minor...insignificant compared to the loss this family is dealing with. I needed that...to be reminded of what really matters...Lincoln will NOT wear diapers until he is eighteen and even if he does I will love him any way. Tomorrow is a new day...a fresh clean slate...and we will start over with lot's of hugs, snuggles and kisses and I will encourage him and be a better mama. I will try not to get frustrated, and I will dig deeper into the patience bucket and I will be thankful for the little things in life. We will get through this...he will get potty trained and if not tomorrow then in the (near) future. I am just reminded at how fragile life is and how important living each day to the fullest is! I am blessed to have two little boys...the loves of my life and I am grateful for each and every minute I get to spend with them! And right now I need to go kiss my babies and whisper in their little ears "Mama loves you so much."
awe, cute post:) it's amazing what a little perspective can give ya. good luck with the potty training!
ReplyDeleteamen kelly! I read that one to.. oy veh.. maybe he just isnt a sitter.. does he go in and see kev standing up.. TMI.. lol.. buy him a fun stool and let him spray your back wall ;)