I love that Ikea commercial where the lady runs out of Ikea with her bags yelling "START THE CAR" because she got a steal of deal-love it! And I love steal of a deals! Yesterday I had a "START THE CAR" moment and it wasn't after my successful shopping trip at Ikea. A few years back I had an incident at a store (which will remain nameless) where they wouldn't return something I bought and the lady was a real bitch...in fact she was such a bitch I told her to "Have a Merry Fucking Christmas" (excuse the language). Now I don't normally walk around telling people that...actually I can be quite passive at times but this lady was rude and mean and so not very nice. My mom was with me and we still laugh about the incident. In the end another store took the item back and they were super sweet and nice but I vowed I'd never go back into that store...until yesterday. And I fell in love with a mirror but due to our Ikea success I had absolutely no room in the car for it. It was $300 and on sale for $100-it was a hard deal to pass up but we literally had no room. Later that night I was still thinking about that mirror-it would have gone perfect in my little hutch thingy area. So I phoned the Langley store and they had the mirror but they said it wasn't on sale...long story short and a few phone calls later and the Langley store said I could get it at the sale price (apparently a bunch of things were on sale and they couldn't find their sale list and didn't actually know how much the mirror was suppose to be on sale for bla bla bla bla (long story not so short any more)! So I made an impromptu trip out to Langley at 8 o'clock last night sans kids. As I was purchasing the mirror the lady said "That'll be $67"! Uh say what? So I whipped out my credit card. Then she turned to the other lady that worked there and said "Hey these mirrors are an additional 50% off right" "Yes they are" said the other lady! SCORE! My total for my $300 was $33.59!!!! I couldn't sign the credit card slip fast enough and I hightailed it out of the store the whole time thinking "START THE CAR, START THE CAR" except for the fact that I was by myself and the only person starting the car would be me. I threw the mirror in the back of the trunk and drove away leaving a trail of dust behind me!!!! I had to stop to reposition the mirror in the back and feared the sales associates would be chasing after me saying they charged me the wrong amount.
Now if I would have told my dad this story he would have said something like "what would Jesus do?" And I know Jesus wouldn't have high tailed it out of the store, mirror in hand, yelling "START THE CAR!" But how could I argue about the price of my $33.59 mirror? And I'm not quite sure if Jesus would be high fiving me for my steal of deal mirror or if he'd be kinda pissed that I didn't correct them and tell them that the mirror was actually $99. Now both stores were were a little unclear about the actual price of the mirror so maybe it was suppose to be $33.59. I just don't know. Either way I love my new mirror and I have the perfect place to put. And here is the steal of deal beauty:
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
A Whole Lot of Randomness
I am officially over it...unpacking...it's overrated...I'm done! What brought me to this conclusion....hmmm I think it's when Nate fell down the stairs this morning when I was doing some unpacking in the boys rooms. Yup poor little guy took his first big tumble. My first instinct when I saw him at the bottom of the stairs was to grab him and phone 911...I knew I was overreacting and instead just cuddled him on the stairs...Lincoln too came to offer Nate some snuggles which was super sweet. And after a few tears what does the little bugger want to do...climb more stairs. Now that I'm done cleaning the other house in the evenings I'm gonig to devote my nights to unpacking, sorting, cleaning, and de-junking. Trying to unpack with two kids just isn't working for me. I have a new found respect for anyone that moves especially those with children...man this is tough work!
Both kids have adjusted well to the move. Both are sleeping great at nights (as always). And Nate has found a new love of stairs...and using my new stainless steal fridge as a standing post. Kev told me I need to get over my anxiety of finger prints on the fridge, stove and dishwasher. I know he's right but this is our first time with stainless steal appliances and they are so pretty and clean looking when they are finger print free! My Lincoln has been crawling into bed with us in the wee hours of the morning. It's a habit we'll soon be breaking (sorry bud). The other night I heard him creep in then I heard him leave. When I opened up my eyes there were blue and green stars all over our ceiling. He had brought in his turtle, turned it on then went back to his room to get kitty, teddy and "B" (blankie). I couldn't kick him out of our bed after that. It really was a sweet moment.
Our house is officially not ours any more. And I am Ok with that. I said goodbye to every room, walked downstairs shut the door and left.
After much complaining our new fridge arrived Tuesday along with the $75 door removal fee-why oh why do they insist on charging you a fee to take off the fricken fridge doors in order to get it inside. What the heck is the delivery fee for then! Ugh! Anyways, it works, our food is cold, and the lights turn on when you open the doors...I'm in love! I'm also in love with my new washer and dryer. I think it's the little tune it sings to me when it's done!
Now I'm not a believer in astrology. I don't believe that if the stars are aligned just right and Jupiter is positioned a certain way-that's how my fate is decided. I don't have Sagittarius tattooed on my lower back or anything like that. BUT I do like to indulge in a little horoscope reading every now and then-it's fun. Kev and I are both Sagittarius' and this is what our horoscope said the day we moved (February 20, 2011):
I haven't converted over to believing in astrology...I know God has my life already mapped out but I just though this was kinda pretty crazy!
And for some more complete randomness. I was reading Kelle Hampton's blog yesterday about how her church group made her break her cd's cause they were worldly, evil and coaxed....brought back memories of when my mom allowed my to buy 1 tape (yes tape) and I bought green day. I was terrified she'd find the tape and read the lyrics...so I sold it to a friend. To this day I've never told her that story. That tape was a classic.
Now it's time for mine and Kev's date-kids in bed and a night of pvr'd shows. I'm taking a break!
Both kids have adjusted well to the move. Both are sleeping great at nights (as always). And Nate has found a new love of stairs...and using my new stainless steal fridge as a standing post. Kev told me I need to get over my anxiety of finger prints on the fridge, stove and dishwasher. I know he's right but this is our first time with stainless steal appliances and they are so pretty and clean looking when they are finger print free! My Lincoln has been crawling into bed with us in the wee hours of the morning. It's a habit we'll soon be breaking (sorry bud). The other night I heard him creep in then I heard him leave. When I opened up my eyes there were blue and green stars all over our ceiling. He had brought in his turtle, turned it on then went back to his room to get kitty, teddy and "B" (blankie). I couldn't kick him out of our bed after that. It really was a sweet moment.
Our house is officially not ours any more. And I am Ok with that. I said goodbye to every room, walked downstairs shut the door and left.
After much complaining our new fridge arrived Tuesday along with the $75 door removal fee-why oh why do they insist on charging you a fee to take off the fricken fridge doors in order to get it inside. What the heck is the delivery fee for then! Ugh! Anyways, it works, our food is cold, and the lights turn on when you open the doors...I'm in love! I'm also in love with my new washer and dryer. I think it's the little tune it sings to me when it's done!
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Love these two! |
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My new love! |
Now I'm not a believer in astrology. I don't believe that if the stars are aligned just right and Jupiter is positioned a certain way-that's how my fate is decided. I don't have Sagittarius tattooed on my lower back or anything like that. BUT I do like to indulge in a little horoscope reading every now and then-it's fun. Kev and I are both Sagittarius' and this is what our horoscope said the day we moved (February 20, 2011):
There's no question that your focus is on home, family, and domestic matters right now.
Discussions with family members, especially parents could be significant.
You might experience increased chaos and activity at home
due to renovations, residentual moves or visiting guests. But in the bigger picture,
something is going to happen that enlarges your home scene,
either through family (marriage, adoption or birth) or through your physical digs.
You might move to a bigger place or buy something for where you live
so that your home feels richer. Something related to real estate
could change your life for better!
And for some more complete randomness. I was reading Kelle Hampton's blog yesterday about how her church group made her break her cd's cause they were worldly, evil and coaxed....brought back memories of when my mom allowed my to buy 1 tape (yes tape) and I bought green day. I was terrified she'd find the tape and read the lyrics...so I sold it to a friend. To this day I've never told her that story. That tape was a classic.
Now it's time for mine and Kev's date-kids in bed and a night of pvr'd shows. I'm taking a break!
Monday, February 21, 2011
The BIG Move
I should probably be sleeping...actually I KNOW I should be sleeping but I can't. Today was our BIG move into our new place. I thought maybe we needed a few hours to move the odds and ends over...I didn't anticipate that it would take the WHOLE day!!! Non stop...box after box of God only knows what. When I moved from my parents place to our first house when Kev and I got married I had a few things...a bed, dresser, a few boxes, knick knacks and some odds and ends. A few car trips later and I was done. Fast forward four and half years and two children later and we have accumulated A LOT of stuff! I'll blame this one on the kids...toys after toys after toys. We had some help from Derek and Sarah and we are so grateful for their hard work. Now I sit in a house that's full of boxes that are calling my name to be unpacked. In fact I should probably be unpacking now. Once everything got moved over I think I did about 30 laps around the kitchen table...not knowing where to start. It was overwhelming. I get like this when there's so much going on and I don't know where to start. Once everyone left I knew I needed to start unpacking. We couldn't bring the kids home to this...it was chaos...and they had no room to play. I started in the living room then moved on to the kitchen...opening up box after box. I needed to take advantage of the time I had without the kids to get as much done and so I did. I knew I needed to unpack one box then head onto the next. My anxiety went down...phew!
Today we had a few hick ups along the way...our $3000 precious beautiful, love of my life fridge...doesn't work!!! Insert super frustration here. Yup...no interior lights and the damn thing won't get cold! Hick up number 2-Shaw guys couldn't figure out the wiring for our cable and tv...insert mind about to explode here. After some persuasion to keep looking for the right wires they were found! Thank the Lord here...I probably couldn't have handled any more hick ups!!!! We don't have our washer and dryer hooked up yet, or our phone or our dishwasher, but we do have cable, internet and a working gas stove. Lovely!
My saving grace for today was our dinner at Butch and Gina's with some friends. Now I phoned to cancel cause it was 4 o'clock, our house was a disaster, we still weren't done moving and I hadn't seen my kids all day but once Butch told me that he had spent all day preparing cheese balls, marinating meat, and wrapping scallops in bacon (for our fondue) I couldn't resist. Plus I knew Kev and I needed to get out...we were starting to get snapping with one another. Lincoln is having a sleep over at mama and papa's and Nate joined us for fondue. And I am so glad that we went!! The food was to die for...seriously!! The cheese ball goodness things melted in your mouth, meats were marinated perfectly and those bacon wrapped scallops were deadly. And to top it off we finished with chocolate fondue...yes please!!! Oh and the hours of laughter we shared was the best part! Nothing beats a night of laughter!!!!
And as for my reason to not sleep...I think I'm kinda scared. We don't have door handles...on any of the doors yet...including the front door. So every time the wind blows it sounds like someone is trying to break into the house. For the first time I miss our old house. I was excited for the move and wasn't feeling too sad about leaving the other house but it's finally hit me. This house is bigger where as our old house was only 2 floors and we've almost always had tenants so I've never really felt alone or scared in that house. This house is three floors...it's just us. And Linc's not here to spend our first night in our new place and I miss him terribly. I know he's nestled in between my mom and dad and having a "seep o'er" as he calls it. It warmed my heart when he phoned us tonight to tell us good night...those are the best calls..."goodnight mamma, I uv you mamma"!!!
I know I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow which includes dropping off my babies again at my mom's place so I can go clean the other house for the new owners. So much to do. And that damn fridge has got me frustrated. I don't want a tech to come out and look at it I just want a new one! And all those boxes to unpack. I didn't get time to fully de-junk our house because we moved so quickly. So for the next few days I'll be going through every box and deciding what stays and what goes. I don't like living in chaos and can't wait for everything to be put into place. I must try and get tired now! One beautiful thing I'm loving about this new place is the view out my bedroom window...tree after tree after tree...with the big bright moon shining through! I think just maybe I'm gonna love this place!
Today we had a few hick ups along the way...our $3000 precious beautiful, love of my life fridge...doesn't work!!! Insert super frustration here. Yup...no interior lights and the damn thing won't get cold! Hick up number 2-Shaw guys couldn't figure out the wiring for our cable and tv...insert mind about to explode here. After some persuasion to keep looking for the right wires they were found! Thank the Lord here...I probably couldn't have handled any more hick ups!!!! We don't have our washer and dryer hooked up yet, or our phone or our dishwasher, but we do have cable, internet and a working gas stove. Lovely!
My saving grace for today was our dinner at Butch and Gina's with some friends. Now I phoned to cancel cause it was 4 o'clock, our house was a disaster, we still weren't done moving and I hadn't seen my kids all day but once Butch told me that he had spent all day preparing cheese balls, marinating meat, and wrapping scallops in bacon (for our fondue) I couldn't resist. Plus I knew Kev and I needed to get out...we were starting to get snapping with one another. Lincoln is having a sleep over at mama and papa's and Nate joined us for fondue. And I am so glad that we went!! The food was to die for...seriously!! The cheese ball goodness things melted in your mouth, meats were marinated perfectly and those bacon wrapped scallops were deadly. And to top it off we finished with chocolate fondue...yes please!!! Oh and the hours of laughter we shared was the best part! Nothing beats a night of laughter!!!!
And as for my reason to not sleep...I think I'm kinda scared. We don't have door handles...on any of the doors yet...including the front door. So every time the wind blows it sounds like someone is trying to break into the house. For the first time I miss our old house. I was excited for the move and wasn't feeling too sad about leaving the other house but it's finally hit me. This house is bigger where as our old house was only 2 floors and we've almost always had tenants so I've never really felt alone or scared in that house. This house is three floors...it's just us. And Linc's not here to spend our first night in our new place and I miss him terribly. I know he's nestled in between my mom and dad and having a "seep o'er" as he calls it. It warmed my heart when he phoned us tonight to tell us good night...those are the best calls..."goodnight mamma, I uv you mamma"!!!
I know I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow which includes dropping off my babies again at my mom's place so I can go clean the other house for the new owners. So much to do. And that damn fridge has got me frustrated. I don't want a tech to come out and look at it I just want a new one! And all those boxes to unpack. I didn't get time to fully de-junk our house because we moved so quickly. So for the next few days I'll be going through every box and deciding what stays and what goes. I don't like living in chaos and can't wait for everything to be put into place. I must try and get tired now! One beautiful thing I'm loving about this new place is the view out my bedroom window...tree after tree after tree...with the big bright moon shining through! I think just maybe I'm gonna love this place!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Our Day of Love!
I am not a huge Valentines Day fan which is funny because I love gifts and flowers and I know Valentines day is a perfect day for that but it just seems so forced to me-like people HAVE to go out and buy gifts and flowers and chocolates. It is a nice day to be reminded of our love for one another but I prefer presents and flowers "out of the blue" not because Kev felt like he HAD to (though I have to admit I did run out to buy Kev a gift (he desered it:-). I just don't like sitting in a crowded restaurant feeling rushed surrounded by a zillion people...not my thing. And I have a thing about receiving flowers on Valentines...I love flowers but they jack up the prices such much on Valentines Day that it just doesn't seem worth it...however my husband was still one of those men lined up with a bouquets of flowers in his hands waiting for them to get wrapped...and I love him for that. I tell him not to buy my flowers and he still does...I think he's a keeper:-)
My Valentines Day morning started off with snuggles from my two little men while Daddy went to work. We hit the store for some heart shaped donuts to bring to papa and then hung around home packing. Then the kids and I made an impromtu trip to Save-On for some ingredients to make these:
I made 2lbs of these delicious chocolate covered strawberries and devoured most of them by myself while watching the bachelor with my lover. They were divine and I was in heaven! I am so very blessed to be loved by three amazing men and I hope they know just how much I love them! Happy Love Day!!!
My Valentines Day morning started off with snuggles from my two little men while Daddy went to work. We hit the store for some heart shaped donuts to bring to papa and then hung around home packing. Then the kids and I made an impromtu trip to Save-On for some ingredients to make these:
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Idea coutesty of Chrissy...thanks Chrissy! |
I made 2lbs of these delicious chocolate covered strawberries and devoured most of them by myself while watching the bachelor with my lover. They were divine and I was in heaven! I am so very blessed to be loved by three amazing men and I hope they know just how much I love them! Happy Love Day!!!
Our Last Night
Tonight is our last night in our very first home...the home Kevin and I started our lives in as a married couple...the home we brought our two beautiful home too...the home where we have shared many laughs and many tears. We've made so many beautiful memories in this house but I'm looking forward to the new memories we will make in the new house. We will make that house our new home. Very bitter sweet saying goodbye!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Duvet Cover
I want/must have this duvet cover:
I don't want all the frilly pillows-just the duvet! Thank you Pottery Barn! Now back to packing while the kidlets sleep!
I don't want all the frilly pillows-just the duvet! Thank you Pottery Barn! Now back to packing while the kidlets sleep!
Saturday, February 12, 2011
We are Moving!!!
Our house is SOLD! It all happened so fast! We put it on the market January 18, had an accepted offer February 4 and subjects were removed February 10-and the sold sticker was placed on the sign! And the best part...the new owners move in February 23!! Which means I need to start mad packing and cleaning like a crazy woman!!!! I forgot how time consuming packing is! Kev told me yesterday that it shouldn't take us too long to pack because "we really don't have that much stuff"-coming from the man who won't be packing or unpacking! And I'm just fine with that! I love packing-it's like a good cleanse! And it feels so good to chuck out the junk! Our new place isn't quite ready but by next week it should be cleaned and done and ready for us to move in! Let the decorating begin!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Goodbye Boxed Nursing Bras...Hello New Beautiful Nursing Bra
Now I wouldn't normally be sharing my new lingerie with the world but this I must share! Today I bought a new nursing bra and have fallen in love with it! It's beautiful, it's feminine and it serves a purpose (to nurse my baby). And this is it:
Goodbye nasty, old, "use to be" white nursing bra, goodbye "look I'm flat chested" nursing bra, goodbye "very uncomfortable" box nursing bra! Hello I'm a breastfeeding sexy mama nursing bra!
These bras are seriously beautiful and comfortable and everything a nursing bra should be! And I will be getting more! Here's the website: http://www.you-lingerie.com/.
I got mine in Abby at Nine! How did I live without this? I feel like a woman again!!!
Goodbye nasty, old, "use to be" white nursing bra, goodbye "look I'm flat chested" nursing bra, goodbye "very uncomfortable" box nursing bra! Hello I'm a breastfeeding sexy mama nursing bra!
These bras are seriously beautiful and comfortable and everything a nursing bra should be! And I will be getting more! Here's the website: http://www.you-lingerie.com/.
I got mine in Abby at Nine! How did I live without this? I feel like a woman again!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Lincoln's Bedroom
I need some inspiration! I've been having a hard time finding bedding for Lincoln's new room. Boys bedding is hard to find! I love Restoration Hardware and have started to fall in love with this bedding:
It's got a vintage feel to it and I kinda like that!
I also really like:
It's masculine and very boyish! I just don't know if the navy sets too much of a sailor or nautical theme.
I think my hearts set on the first picture but I'm a little iffy with ordering bedding online-you can never really tell what the true colors look like and I don't really want to go through the hassle of having to return it if I don't like it! I also want to make sure I'm going to love this bedding for a long time because it's not cheap and I hate having buyers remorse. I'm looking for bedding that Lincoln can "grow into." I know if he had it his way he'd probably have a Thomas themed bedroom.
It's got a vintage feel to it and I kinda like that!
I also really like:
It's masculine and very boyish! I just don't know if the navy sets too much of a sailor or nautical theme.
I think my hearts set on the first picture but I'm a little iffy with ordering bedding online-you can never really tell what the true colors look like and I don't really want to go through the hassle of having to return it if I don't like it! I also want to make sure I'm going to love this bedding for a long time because it's not cheap and I hate having buyers remorse. I'm looking for bedding that Lincoln can "grow into." I know if he had it his way he'd probably have a Thomas themed bedroom.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
And Potty Training Has Begun
Wednesday was disastrous!
Thursday was miraculous
Friday...well Friday was UNBELIEVABLE...5 pees, 1 poo...all in the potty and dry after his nap...this is where the clouds open up and the angels sing "Hallelujah"
And today...he knows what he's doing and he's doing it!!!! We are potty training baby!!! And I am so proud of my little man and he's so proud of himself!!!!!
Thursday was miraculous
Friday...well Friday was UNBELIEVABLE...5 pees, 1 poo...all in the potty and dry after his nap...this is where the clouds open up and the angels sing "Hallelujah"
And today...he knows what he's doing and he's doing it!!!! We are potty training baby!!! And I am so proud of my little man and he's so proud of himself!!!!!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Well...That Worked!
So after a night of reflecting, being grateful and feeling a tad bit guitly for feeling frustrated I decided to take a different approach to potty training this morning. I decided to try the Michelle Duggar approach...drug induced patience. Now I know she probably doesn't do drugs but that woman is uber patient...she's always so calm and kind and speaks so softly and nothing seems to ruffle her feathers-I seriously don't know how she does it with 19 kids. And for the record I didn't start my day off doing drugs. I just thought I would go with the flow, be patient, speak softly, move at Lincoln pace. All the other times we had tried potty training I'd just keep asking him and asking him and asking him and if he wanted to sit on the potty then he'd sit on the potty and if he had an accident then we'd talk about it-there was no forcing him or crying or screaming and me begging and pleading-it was very low key and we just went with the flow. This time around I really thought that I needed to be a little more forceful and aggressive and just give him that little push to let him know that we meant business (which clearly didn't work). We had a showing at 9:30 so the kids and I needed something to do for an hour and a half. We headed to McD's for some breakfast and to take advantage of the McDonald's play place...Lincoln peed his pants. It wasn't a big deal at all and he denied peeing when I asked him. When we got home he wanted to be changed and we talked about how uncomfortable it would have been to wear wet underwear and pants. He was hanging around naked when I asked if he needed to go pee (I decided I wasn't going to force him to sit on the potty any more and if he peed on the floor or carpet - then oh well accidents happen and we've had plenty in the past (thank God for hardwood:-) He said no like he always does. I brought the potty out into the living room and asked if he wanted to sit on it while watching TV-again he said no. A few minutes later he sat on it (with the lid on), then I told him he needed to put the lid up...he listened and sat back down on it...a few minutes later..."Mama I peed"! Yes he did!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!! I was so unbelievably proud!!!!! And before his nap I told him he had two choices-1. take kitty, teddy and b and go have a nap or 2. sit on your potty and watch cartoons...of course he chose to watch cartoons and he came out to tell me he peed! Yes!!! And tonight before bed I told him again he had two choices (love this whole choice thing-it totally helps during melt downs too)-1. go and put your pj's on or sit in mommy and daddy's room on your potty and watch cartoons. Sure enough a few minutes later he came out to tell us he had peed! There were high fives and cheering! Needless to say it was a VERY successful day...and yes I've tried this approach before with no such luck. I think a lot of it had to do with timing (I don't think he was ready before), moving at his pace and letting him feel as if he's making the decisions! Today was great...actually it was better than great!!! Lincoln mommy is so very proud of you!!!!! Ahhh I feel so refreshed after yesterday and I know tomorrow will be a whole new day but I just need to follow Lincoln's lead-my stubborn, hard headed little boy!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Potty Training is Exhausting
I knew this wasn't going to be easy but this whole potty training thing is sucking the life out of me! And tonight I am drained. Lincoln is my stubborn, hard headed, move at his own pace type of child-he's been like that since the moment he was born! People have been telling me when he's ready to potty train he'll let me know and I believe that to some extent. I also believe that some children just need that little push-and that's what I am doing and I am hoping and praying I don't scar him in the process. Lincoln hates sitting on the potty and I feel like I am forcing him and he screams and cries and it breaks my heart but he'll hold his pee for 12 hours and that can't be good! Even with a diaper on he wouldn't pee! And I feel bad cause I told him not to pee in his diaper and that big boys go pee on the potty and sure enough he wakes up dry but then refuses to pee on the potty and I know his bladder is full and it's gotta be hurting! Do I go full steam ahead and keep on him or did I back off and hope and pray he comes to me and tells me he's ready! I really don't know what to do in this situation. He did so good the first and second day and the last three have been exhausting and I've run out of patience.
I took a break from writing this and looked on Kelle Hampton's blog (she's so inspiring) to read her updated blog post...it's about her friends son who's eight and has died from a sledding accident...it makes my potty training trials seem so unimportant...minor...insignificant compared to the loss this family is dealing with. I needed that...to be reminded of what really matters...Lincoln will NOT wear diapers until he is eighteen and even if he does I will love him any way. Tomorrow is a new day...a fresh clean slate...and we will start over with lot's of hugs, snuggles and kisses and I will encourage him and be a better mama. I will try not to get frustrated, and I will dig deeper into the patience bucket and I will be thankful for the little things in life. We will get through this...he will get potty trained and if not tomorrow then in the (near) future. I am just reminded at how fragile life is and how important living each day to the fullest is! I am blessed to have two little boys...the loves of my life and I am grateful for each and every minute I get to spend with them! And right now I need to go kiss my babies and whisper in their little ears "Mama loves you so much."
I took a break from writing this and looked on Kelle Hampton's blog (she's so inspiring) to read her updated blog post...it's about her friends son who's eight and has died from a sledding accident...it makes my potty training trials seem so unimportant...minor...insignificant compared to the loss this family is dealing with. I needed that...to be reminded of what really matters...Lincoln will NOT wear diapers until he is eighteen and even if he does I will love him any way. Tomorrow is a new day...a fresh clean slate...and we will start over with lot's of hugs, snuggles and kisses and I will encourage him and be a better mama. I will try not to get frustrated, and I will dig deeper into the patience bucket and I will be thankful for the little things in life. We will get through this...he will get potty trained and if not tomorrow then in the (near) future. I am just reminded at how fragile life is and how important living each day to the fullest is! I am blessed to have two little boys...the loves of my life and I am grateful for each and every minute I get to spend with them! And right now I need to go kiss my babies and whisper in their little ears "Mama loves you so much."
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
I had to de-junk my closet! I had clothes in there that I kept telling myself "I am so going to wear that again one day" and the truth is...I know I won't! They're clothes from back in the day...before I became a mom and honestly a Guess lace midrift that laces up in the front exposing my skin probably isn't something I am going to be sporty any time soon but I'm holding onto it because it cost a lot and I think I've maybe worn it once. There is no hope for that shirt! I tend to do that...hold onto clothes that cost a lot, barely worn and just don't have the heart to take to MCC. Then there's the mens Tommy Hilfiger sweater I bought because I thought it was cool...I might still need to hang onto that one.
I think I am a hoarder at heart...everything has a memory and I have a hard time letting go...but at the same time I really really do hate junk and clutter and I much prefer organization. I started on my closet which led me to start going through the rest of the house. I have a huge bag of boys clothes that I need to donate and next on my list is the kitchen cabinets. I try to clean out our closets every few months and it always seems like we have so much stuff. I am really trying to get organized before the big move...it'll just be easier that way. And there is something so refreshing and rejuvenating about getting rid of junk. Once spring comes I don't want to be stuck in the house cleaning...I wanna be out walking with the kids or taking them to the park or taking them on impromptu trips to white rock. Bring on the warm weather!
Right now both kids have snotty noses...they are gross. I'm not a fan of snotty nosed kids and it's the first time that both kids have had a snotty nose for more than a day...and it's the kind that runs all day long constantly...and their coughs sound like seal barks. I was almost embarrassed when snotty nosed Lincoln started barking like a seal in the McDonald's play place...he was like the child you don't want your kid to play with. But then the other kids started barking like seals and I didn't feel so bad. My poor kiddies!
I think I am a hoarder at heart...everything has a memory and I have a hard time letting go...but at the same time I really really do hate junk and clutter and I much prefer organization. I started on my closet which led me to start going through the rest of the house. I have a huge bag of boys clothes that I need to donate and next on my list is the kitchen cabinets. I try to clean out our closets every few months and it always seems like we have so much stuff. I am really trying to get organized before the big move...it'll just be easier that way. And there is something so refreshing and rejuvenating about getting rid of junk. Once spring comes I don't want to be stuck in the house cleaning...I wanna be out walking with the kids or taking them to the park or taking them on impromptu trips to white rock. Bring on the warm weather!
Right now both kids have snotty noses...they are gross. I'm not a fan of snotty nosed kids and it's the first time that both kids have had a snotty nose for more than a day...and it's the kind that runs all day long constantly...and their coughs sound like seal barks. I was almost embarrassed when snotty nosed Lincoln started barking like a seal in the McDonald's play place...he was like the child you don't want your kid to play with. But then the other kids started barking like seals and I didn't feel so bad. My poor kiddies!
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