Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Tomorrow will be a good day!  I will start new traditions with my boys and we will make sweet sweet memories.  They will wear their new matching PJ's (from Santa of course) and we will put out cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer's.  We will listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies and drive around looking at "Kiss Light" (Christmas Lights) as Lincoln calls it.  We will cuddle and read stories about the real meaning of Christmas.  And we will read "The Night Before Christmas" because after all it is a classic!  And we will talk about Santa and Baby Jesus and we will get all excited and giggly!  And we'll kiss our little babies goodnight and patiently wait for "Santa" to bring the boys their presents.  And we will hang the stockings by the chimney with care.

Yes indeed tomorrow will be a VERY good day!  And I can't wait!!!

And on a side Nate got his third toofer today!!!!  An early Christmas gift from Santa and the Tooth Fairy!  And to top it off he's a teething angel!  Now let's just hope the 4th tooth doesn't decide to pop while we are on the airplane!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!  I hope the Christmas season is magical for you and your family!

1 comment:

  1. I am in tears... with joy to read a fellow Mama who feels the same overwhelming joy at simple things!
    I said to Mark tonight, on Graysons SECOND ever Christmas Eve, He is Two!, " Mark, He's singing Jingle bells, LOOK he's Dancing to it too!, "MARK look!, LISTEN! , "He's singing FRAWSTY DE SNOWMEEN", !~

    No response... lol

    I am so proud, we have been baking and singing ALL week, but no.. he doesnt get it... but I do. And I LOVE it. :)

    Reading your blogs makes me realize... I am not the only Mom crazy about my kids :) Love love it.

    have a fabulous xmas morning Tabitha, Kevin, Lincoln and Nate.... much love to the Edwards family :) Enjoy every second... soon they will be twelve.. but thats fun too~!! :)

    Krystal , Mark and family
    *Jamie, Cooper and Grayson
