Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Eve Eve

Tomorrow will be a good day!  I will start new traditions with my boys and we will make sweet sweet memories.  They will wear their new matching PJ's (from Santa of course) and we will put out cookies and milk and carrots for the reindeer's.  We will listen to Christmas music and watch Christmas movies and drive around looking at "Kiss Light" (Christmas Lights) as Lincoln calls it.  We will cuddle and read stories about the real meaning of Christmas.  And we will read "The Night Before Christmas" because after all it is a classic!  And we will talk about Santa and Baby Jesus and we will get all excited and giggly!  And we'll kiss our little babies goodnight and patiently wait for "Santa" to bring the boys their presents.  And we will hang the stockings by the chimney with care.

Yes indeed tomorrow will be a VERY good day!  And I can't wait!!!

And on a side Nate got his third toofer today!!!!  An early Christmas gift from Santa and the Tooth Fairy!  And to top it off he's a teething angel!  Now let's just hope the 4th tooth doesn't decide to pop while we are on the airplane!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!!  I hope the Christmas season is magical for you and your family!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Pretty Sweet Day!

I'd have to say that today was pretty sweet:
An impromptu trip to the Old Clayburn Store for some overly priced candy.

This can't be illegal...picture taking and driving.  If it is I broke the law-but he just looked too darn cute sitting back there eating his candy!

A visit with Papa:

Lincoln showing papa his new trains

We checked out the new pad:

My new kitchen

And had lunch at Grandma's:

Yes that's candy, cookies and bacon...please note we don't normally feed our child this for lunch!  It was just an extra special day!

And how stinken cute is this kid:

And thank you Auntie Chrissy, Uncle Adam and Avery for the presents:

This is Lincoln's "cheese" smile...we have to work on it:-)

Big Brother helping little brother open his gift!

Now that's a smile:-)

Nate loves his Zuny elephant!

And Lincoln is obsessed with his new trains!


My favorite moment yesterday was listening to Lincoln sing along with Tad (his singing frog) to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in our bedroom.  He doesn't fully know all the words but he has the sweetest singing voice.  I just stood in the bathroom and smiled-it warmed my heart:-)

Monday, December 20, 2010

Adults Night Out

So my husband says to me Sunday morning, "Dude we haven't partied like that in a long time."
Me: "Dude we're parents, when do we ever party?"
But it was a great night to be had by all!
Gotta love hall parties!  Good conversations, a few good laughs and some booze!  What more could us parents ask for!

And some highlights of our night:

The Formo's

The Renzmann's

The Edwards

What's a hall party without keg stands?

I just don't know!

Kevin told me I looked like Mr. T. 

This is probably my favorite photo of the nigh!

And it just isn't a hall party without snow-yes it snowed just a little bit but it brought back sweet sweet memories of Hall 7 Christmas Party 2008-good times!

I finally crawled into bed at 3 a.m.  I went and picked up baby Nate from my parents house and decided to leave Lincoln-he was nestled in between Mama and Papa and I couldn't bare to wake him up!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

December 17, 2010

My inspiration for the evening:
It's going to be a good good night!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Is So Thankful

I am so thankful for this woman:

It doesn't matter what she's doing or where's she's going-my children are always welcomed.  I don't know what I would do with out her.  Lincoln calls her mama!  I thought it would bother me to hear my son call another woman mama but it doesn't it.  She is there second mama and she loves my babies like they are her own and for that I will be forever grateful to have such an amazing woman in our lives.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Feeling Young?

Lincoln found a new use for my breast pump:

Eye Pump

I freakin love this kid!  And just to to clarify I didn't just use the breast pump.  He sometimes finds it and walks around the house making weird noises (I'm assuming it's the noise my electric breast pump makes).  It's quite humorous!  I'm hoping I haven't scared him for life.

So I turned 28...I don't know why but 28 makes me feel old.  I know it's just a number and I know I've done alot in my 28 years of life.  I think it's the fact that I can't stop time.  I'm getting older which means my kids are getting older and I just can't believe how time flies.  I guess it's just a reminder to stop and REALLY enjoy life.  To REALLY take it all in.  To stop every day and enjoy moments...special moments with my babies...because they won't stay babies forever. 

Saturday was a good day.  Mr. Early Riser (aka Nathan) slept in till 7:45 a.m!!!!!!!!!!  He is usually up between 6 and 6:30 (sometimes earlier) so for him to sleep in till 7:45 was a real treat:-)  I did tell him before I put him to bed that he needed to sleep in...clearly he listened:-)  I love him for that:-)  I got cuddles in bed, presents, lunch with my mama (sans kids) and Greek Islands for dinner!  One thing I really wanted for my birthday was a picture of my WHOLE family (not just a pic with MOST of us but ALL of us) and ta-da:

A family pic...with significant others and all!

I am very fortunate to share my birthday with this woman-my mom!  She turned 50!  I couldn't ask for a more amazing woman in my life!  She's inspirational and I have ALWAYS looked up to her!

And even though I am now 28 these two make me feel young at heart!  And I just love them so much! 

Yes I may be 28 but I have so much to be grateful for: babies, hubby, family and health and that's truly what is important!  So I will try not to dwell too much on turning a year older!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Momma's Shouldn't Get Sick

I was "blessed" with the flu I am NOT pregnant just to clarify.  It was awful...pure hell!  I couldn't keep water down.  Lincoln went and stayed with my mom for the day while poor little Nate clung to my legs as I hurled into the sink (there was no making it to the bathroom).  At one point I thought I was dying (a little dramatic I know but this flu literally sucked the life out of me).  I think there needs to be a rule that momma's are not allowed to get sick!  We are here to take care of everyone else when they get sick and that's our job!  Kev was so great with taking care of the boys and trying to take care of me.  Today I felt a thousand times better when I woke up so I went straight to doing 6 loads of laundry, made Nate some organic apple sauce and then vacuumed.  I think maybe I should have rested cause now I am feeling drained.  Time to curl up on the couch and watch 4 Christmases!  This movie is quite special to me-2 years ago I took Lincoln to see that movie when he was 5 months old (it was at one of those parent and baby movie things).  He ended up pooping at the beginning of the movie and of course I left the diaper bag in the car.  And he pooped right through his jeans (and I didn't bother to pack any spare clothes).  So I ended up changing him in the front seat of the car and luckily Chrissy had just given Lincoln his Christmas gift early which was a pair of super cute way too big Guess jeans from New York.  Once he was in his clean clothes I headed back to the theatre where I was stuck outside in the freezing cold  with my baby who wasn't wearing a jacket because they locked the front doors and I had to bang on them until someone heard me!  Aww the memories!  But still it was a great movie and I think Lincoln quite enjoyed himself!

And to end this post with some pictures of my boys-both 8 months old:-)

Aren't they just the cutest?  And I think they look so similar yet so different!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You Make Me Smile:-)

I couldn't help but smile inside when I came across this:

Lincoln-you have a way of capturing my heart and making it melt:-)  How sweet is this-he filled the dishwasher soap dispenser and when I opened it up he had put the little detergent pack in.  Sometimes in life it's the little things that remember you how precious life is!  This just made my day!  Lincoln thank you for making me smile and making my days so much brighter!  Mommy loves you so much!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Woke Up to This

This morning I woke up to this:
It felt like a scene right out of Christmas Vacation (one of my all time favorite Christmas movies).  So I guess it seems quite appropriate considering the season!  Now I just pray the owners of this beautiful trailer that will be living in front of my house for the next couple of months are nothing like cousin Eddy and his family!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Three Years Ago Today

Three years ago today I peed on a stick...a pregnancy test to be exact...and a bright vibrant blue positive sign appeared in the little window!  My life changed forever.  In that moment I experienced every emotion possible.  I still remember telling myself "take this moment in...this is what it feels like to find out you are pregnant...just take it all in."  I never envisioned myself telling my husband I was pregnant crying in the stair well at work shaking uncontrollably after taking a pregnancy test in my work bathroom.  I am a dreamer and everything has to be planned and perfect and needless to say that's not how I envisioned finding out I was pregnant.  I was shocked...really really really shocked.  It's not that I didn't want children...I have wanted babies really badly (in fact I wanted 10 at one point in my life) but I just assumed that since I wanted children so badly that when the time came it would take awhile not randomly on some cold December day. Little did I know how my life would I would fall madly, deeply, passionately in love with a little boy...that love is unconditional!  I am grateful and I am thankful for that December day three years ago.  Thank you God for choosing me to be Lincoln's mommy, thank you for changing my world completely!  Thank you for the best life experience!  Thank you for making me a mommy!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Giving Back

December 1 is always a special day for me.  It's the day the Salvation Army sets up their Angel Tree up at the mall and today I will take my boys to pick 4 little boys and girls!  I love this day and look forward to it year after year!  It's a tradition I hope my boys will always carry on!  It's important...really really important!  We have been so blessed throughout the years and it's one way I like to give back and help others.  So today I will go and teach my boys how to give back and help others.  I love that Christmas is such a giving season!  I want my boys to know it's not all about getting presents but also about helping those in need!  Today is going to be a great day even if two of my glass balls have already been broken and the tree has been up for less than 24 hours-at this rate my tree is going to be ball-less my Christmas!