Lincoln found a new use for my breast pump:
Eye Pump |
I freakin love this kid! And just to to clarify I didn't just use the breast pump. He sometimes finds it and walks around the house making weird noises (I'm assuming it's the noise my electric breast pump makes). It's quite humorous! I'm hoping I haven't scared him for life.
So I turned 28...I don't know why but 28 makes me feel old. I know it's just a number and I know I've done alot in my 28 years of life. I think it's the fact that I can't stop time. I'm getting older which means my kids are getting older and I just can't believe how time flies. I guess it's just a reminder to stop and REALLY enjoy life. To REALLY take it all in. To stop every day and enjoy moments...special moments with my babies...because they won't stay babies forever.
Saturday was a good day. Mr. Early Riser (aka Nathan) slept in till 7:45 a.m!!!!!!!!!! He is usually up between 6 and 6:30 (sometimes earlier) so for him to sleep in till 7:45 was a real treat:-) I did tell him before I put him to bed that he needed to sleep in...clearly he listened:-) I love him for that:-) I got cuddles in bed, presents, lunch with my mama (sans kids) and Greek Islands for dinner! One thing I really wanted for my birthday was a picture of my WHOLE family (not just a pic with MOST of us but ALL of us) and ta-da:
A family pic...with significant others and all! |
I am very fortunate to share my birthday with this woman-my mom! She turned 50! I couldn't ask for a more amazing woman in my life! She's inspirational and I have ALWAYS looked up to her!
And even though I am now 28 these two make me feel young at heart! And I just love them so much!
Yes I may be 28 but I have so much to be grateful for: babies, hubby, family and health and that's truly what is important! So I will try not to dwell too much on turning a year older!