Sunday, April 29, 2012

Nates "New" Room

On Thursday I got the urge to paint.  This doesn't happen very fact I don't think it's ever happened.  But I think I was needing something for these post vacation blues.  One too many times I'd catch myself looking at the time and thinking "if we were in Maui right now we'd be doing..."  I miss Maui.  I miss my morning walks along the beach with my daughter.  I miss drinking coffee on the patio with my mom.  I miss the sun, the sand, the pool.  I miss date nights and walking along the beach at nights in nothing but shorts and a tank top.  I miss the heat, the flowers, the smell, the sounds of the birds.  I miss it all!  So with all that said I needed a "pick me up" and what better way to get my mind off Maui then to paint!  That and I knew I was going to be stuck at home for a few days with Nate potty training and cabin fever was setting in fast!  I originally was only going to paint Lincoln's room but it's been a year since we built our house and the chair rail in Nate's room still isn't up!  So I took matters into my own hands (sorry Kev I couldn't wait any longer:-) and I decided to paint both rooms!  Moral of this story...if Kevin procrastinates long enough he won't have to do it:-) 

I had my colors narrowed down and just needed to make a decision!  I brought my choices to Benjamin Moore and had the lady help me choose.  I bought the supplies and picked up a sample can.  The color is Stonington Gray.  The color didn't end up working in Lincoln's room.  His room is large and bright (he has 3 big windows) and the color looked to blue on the walls.  I painted a section on Nates wall and loved the color in his room (his room faces east and isn't as bright).  So in the end Nate's room got painted!  When I get something in my head I have to do now!  So after dinner London and I headed back down to Benjamin Moore and picked up a gallon of paint!  I put the the kids to bed and I started painting.  Kevin's response-"Why would you start painting at 8 o'clock at night?"  Why wouldn't I?  That's prime painting time-kids are sleeping and I know I'm not going to be interrupted.  And once I started I didn't stop!  I finally finished the second coat at 2:30 am and called it a night!

I highly recommmend Benjamin Moore paint.  We've painted in the past and have always required 2 gallons to paint a small room.  Benjamin Moore paint is more expensive but I only needed 1 gallon to paint Nates room (and I had paint left over).  I found it goes on easy and covers really well!

What a difference a coat of paint can make.  Nates room finally looks complete and I love it!  I had 2 silver picture frames on Nate's wall and they never looked just right-I didn't know if it was the frames or the matting and it always kinda bothered me.  Every time I went into his room I had that thought "What about these frames doesn't look right?"  Now the picture frames look perfect on his wall.  The color also goes really well with his curtains.  It feels so good knowing Nates room is complete.  I can check that room off my to do list.

So here are some BEFORE pictures:


Friday, April 27, 2012

Potty Training: Day 4

Now I know the day isn't over but I've got to share our potty training success!  First thing this morning we had an accident during breakfast.  I actually think accidents are good because I think it helps them learn from their "mistakes."  We talked about not peeing in our underwear and peeing on the potty.  Shortly after that Nate told me had had to "poop" and ran to the potty!  That's when the heaven's opened up, the clouds parted and the angels sang "hallelujah"!  And I'd like to pause this post right here...why?  Because my big boy just told me he needs to go "poop" on the potty!  In fact he's told me all 4 times today!  Today I decided after the first accident I was going to back off abit!  I've kinda struggled with him these last 2 days on getting him to sit on the potty!  I'd ask him if he needed to pee and he'd yell "NO!" and then I'd end up carrying him to the potty and make him sit on it until he peed.  Of course it would only take him a few minutes to finally pee but I didn't like the struggle and resistance of getting him there. 

But is a new day!  And all day long he's been telling me he needs to "poop" (which really he means pee) and he runs to the bathroom!  I'm still asking him if he needs to go pee and when he says no I just leave it at that (no more pushy momma)!

I am proud!  And I'm so happy we are make some progress!  And today he woke up from his nap dry!  Yes indeed I'm proud of my little man!

And on a side note-the sweetest thing-When I give Nate his treat he yells "Lincoln!" because he loves giving a treat to his brother too-love those moments!  Now if only they could share and get along like this all the time!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Potty Training: Day 2

So potty training hasn't been as stressful as I anticipated!  It's actually been good!  5 pees on the potty and 1 #2 in the underwear (nothing beats fishing a large turd out of your kids underwear:-)  I had some struggles today with trying to get him to sit on the potty.  He wanted to play and I wanted him to go pee so we butted head abit:-)  He can be a tad bit stubborn! 

When it comes to potty training patience is key (or so I've found).  I believe in being firm when he doesn't want to listen (that's when my stern mommy voice comes out).  And most importantly encouragement and praise goes along way!  Oh and so does candy!

And to top the day off...he woke up dry from his nap!  A definite proud mommy moment!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Potty Training: Day 1

Day 1 of potty training and I didn't loose my mind!  Is that even possible?
So today was our first official day!  How was it?  Actually great!  Not to get into too much detail (OK maybe I will) but we had some pees and some hershey squirts, 1 wet diaper after nap and 1 accident before bed.  Today mostly consisted of me asking Nate over and over again "Nate do you need to pee" "Nate can you sit on the potty and mommy will give you a treat." 

For me potty training is all about the treat bribery.  I don't have any guidance when it comes to potty training.  I haven't read any books or done any research (although I do have the 3 day potty training book).  I just go for it.  We just go with the flow and see what works and having potty trained 1 little one already has helped too. 

Lincoln has been my biggest help and Nate's biggest fan!  It's so cute when he says to Nate "I have a secret" and he goes and whispers in Nates ear "If you go pee on the potty mommy will give you a treat"  And I'm lovin the way he's cheering on his brother!  And Nate has to wear the same underwear as Lincoln.  He already admires his brother!  Ahhhh I'm just lovin the bond these two are forming!

I'm a bit stir crazy already but I think it's because I know I'm going to be stuck at home all week!  This stir craziness has me re-organizing the living room (my problem room).  And today Kev came home and I informed him that we needed a new rug, a new chair and a new couch (this is what bordem will do to me).  I've been moving furniture and trying to re-arrange things but nothing is working.  My brain is hurting.  I need an inspiration (that and a million dollars).  Plus I'm still on the hunt for dining room chairs!  I think I might need to make a quick trip down to Benjamin Moore to pick out paint colors for the boys room.  Now would be a great time to paint them! 

Now I'm hoping tomorrow brings more potty training success!  I'm so glad he's not stubborn like Lincoln was:-)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Potty Training

Tomorrow it begins...potty training.  Saying it makes me cringe.  And once we start there ain't no going back.  We are going hard core potty training over here!

I'm channelling my inner Michelle Duggar.  Patience, patience, patience.  Deep breaths!  Remain calm at ALL times.  I can do this!

I've been procrastinating for a few reasons:

1. I was on semi-bed rest when I was preggers with London and potty training was the least of my worries.
2. I didn't want to do it after London was born because we were adapting to having a new baby in the house and I didn't want too many changes going on. 

3. I didn't want to do it before our vacation because I didn't want the hassle and stress of dealing with a newly potty trained boy.

4. Once potty trained I knew we'd have to convert his crib into a bed so that he could get up and pee in the middle of the night and I wasn't ready to be getting up with London and with Nate nor did I want to start having to get out of bed earlier.

And reason #5-I was just plain old lazy. 

Potty training is stressful business and I wasn't ready to take on that stress.  But I'm ready.  I am sick of poopy diapers!  So tomorrow a new adventure begins.  I am praying for patience and that he catches on quickly.  And with the help of Lincoln we are going to do this!  And we are off to a good start.  On Sunday I heard Nate peeing downstairs as he stood at the top of the railing (after bath) and I rushed him to the toilet!  And with some encouragement from Lincoln he finished peeing on the potty!  And today I semi-started potty training when we came home from shopping and this was the text I sent Kev "...a 1/4 pee and a hersey squirt."  Yes this is what my life has come too:-)  Hershey squirts!  So for the next few days I'm going to be couped up in the house which only means one thing...I'll probably be bored out of my mind and start thinking of all the things I need to do/buy for the house which in turn will have me making list and analyzing rooms.  I'll probably through in some house cleaning and maybe even a little organizing!  Oh happy day!

Oh that sweet little gets me every time!