Monday, November 29, 2010
I Finally Did It!
I finally did it on Sunday…went shopping ALL day with no children. It’s been over 7 months since I’ve done that...maybe even longer! I don't mind shopping with the kids and for the most part they are normally pretty good. And when they get bored and restless that's usually my cue to go home. Yesterday I just wanted to shop by myself. I didn't want to rush, I didn't want to have to struggle with trying to push a stroller in a crowded store, I didn't want to have to stop to feed a hungry baby. I just wanted to shop at my pace. I tried on clothes in a normal size change room and wasn’t rushed. I got in and out of the car without having to unbuckle and buckle children. I shopped in every store I wanted to shop in. And most importantly I took my time. I was excited for my day to myself. I saw dust in my rear view mirror leaving our street (just kidding) but it happens every time...I spend a few hours away and then I start to miss my babies. I really couldn't get home fast enough. I missed them but I needed that day to myself. In fact I think every momma needs days to themselves. I felt rejuvenated! My patience level felt renewed and I think both boys were happy to spend a whole day with just their daddy doing man stuff. I don't like leaving my babies even when I know I am in desperate need of a few hours out of the house and I think I need to make more time for days like yesterday. On Saturday Kev and I had a wonderful date night out which didn't start out so wonderful and at one point I even said, "I don't feel like going out, let's just stay home" but there was nothing sweeter than picking up our sleeping babies in their one piece fleece footed pajama's. Leaving my babies for a few hours really does make me fall in love with them all over again and it makes coming home so much sweeter. I've had a few rough days with Lincoln (aka Mr. Independent/Do it Himself has to do everything including flushing the toilet after I pee or else he has a major melt down) so the times away this weekend have been much needed and greatly appreciated. And I got some Christmas shopping done and a few goodies for myself:-)
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Lincoln Loves to Swim...What?!
So....we dropped swimming lessons.
After two horrendous sessions I pulled the plug. But not before I gave it much consideration. I mean I don't want my children thinking that they can just drop out if they don't like something...I am all about facing your fears and finishing things to the end but I really did fear that I was doing more harm than good...and he hated it...really really hated it! He clung to me as if I was going to let him drown and screamed at the top of his lungs-I just couldn't go through another four sessions with him like that. MRC has parent and tot swim on Fridays and I thought I'd take Lincoln to that just to see how he did in a less structured environment and the kid freakin loved it!!!! He was up to his chin in the water splashing, kicking blowing bubbles. I was shocked, baffled, speechless! Seriously, seriously, seriously?! I don't know if maybe my Lincoln is too cool for swim school but he played in the water as if he's been a fish his whole life (FYI he's always hated pools). He loved it! My eyes are still bulging but I am happy oh so happy that he had such a great time. We were in the water for almost an hour and a half and he didn't want to leave! I don't know if it was because the water was warm or if it was the fact that he could walk into the water and touch the bottom the whole time. I just don't know but all I know is that I have a little fish on my hands and we will be back. I don't know if we are ready to re-start swimming lessons again but I do know that we are off to a great start! Ahhh I am so proud of him!
After two horrendous sessions I pulled the plug. But not before I gave it much consideration. I mean I don't want my children thinking that they can just drop out if they don't like something...I am all about facing your fears and finishing things to the end but I really did fear that I was doing more harm than good...and he hated it...really really hated it! He clung to me as if I was going to let him drown and screamed at the top of his lungs-I just couldn't go through another four sessions with him like that. MRC has parent and tot swim on Fridays and I thought I'd take Lincoln to that just to see how he did in a less structured environment and the kid freakin loved it!!!! He was up to his chin in the water splashing, kicking blowing bubbles. I was shocked, baffled, speechless! Seriously, seriously, seriously?! I don't know if maybe my Lincoln is too cool for swim school but he played in the water as if he's been a fish his whole life (FYI he's always hated pools). He loved it! My eyes are still bulging but I am happy oh so happy that he had such a great time. We were in the water for almost an hour and a half and he didn't want to leave! I don't know if it was because the water was warm or if it was the fact that he could walk into the water and touch the bottom the whole time. I just don't know but all I know is that I have a little fish on my hands and we will be back. I don't know if we are ready to re-start swimming lessons again but I do know that we are off to a great start! Ahhh I am so proud of him!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I cut the back of Nates hair...I didn't want too but it was long and he kept getting mistaken as a mom says it will grow back nicer...I hope she's right...I really did love his long he looks so different...a little more grown up...but he's still my beautiful baby!
Monday, November 22, 2010
I am in full Christmas shopping mode and once I start I can't stop! It is friggen cold out there and that didn't stop me from bundling up the kids and hauling them around trying to get some shopping done! I told myself this year I was going to shop sans kids but Kev's been away and all I can think about is presents!!!! I almost become obsessed-searching and shopping, trying to find the perfect gifts! I finally found a cute but masculine kitchen for the boys-only problem is the website I want to buy it from is out of stock! Arg! I hate seeing "Out of Stock"-it drives me crazy! So I've been scouring the Internet looking for another one at the same price and Amazon just increased their price by $120-damn you Amazon. I think I'll just have to wait until Dec. 7 when they get some more in! One of the things I love about Christmas is making my budget list and trying to stick to it...even though I've never stuck to it...I am ALWAYS over budget...but honestly it's such a thrill for me just trying! And I love love love making lists of all the goodies I am going to buy! I really must stop buying the boys stuff-they already have way too much stuff and before I know it it's going to be Nate's first birthday! I have stashed all the goods in the bath tub in the other bathroom-it is officially time for a bigger house! Now I must continue my online shopping...oh the anticipation of waiting for my packages to arrive! I love Christmas!!!!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Christmas is in the Air!
Nothing beats cute little Christmas jammies! I searched high and low for super cute jammies for the kids to wear on Christmas Eve and I thought I found them until I came across these:
They are so stinken adorable!!!!! Of course they didn't have Nate's size so I had to phone around until I found a pair and had them shipped to my house. I am so exicted to see the boys in them on Christmas Eve. I had the boys try them on to make sure they fit and I just had to get some photo's which isn't easy when you have two little boys and it's bed time but seriously don't they just look adorable!!!
And won't their cute little jammies go perfect with our new stockings?
And to top our weekend with Santa! I had to seize the moment. It's November, Santa's at the mall and there was no better time then to get their photo's done! I had the boys decked out in their matching outfits only to have Lincoln start screaming as soon as we got close to Santa! Of course he loved waving to him and yelling his name from afar but up close it was a different story! So...I had to be in the picture too! I really wished they would have printed the picture of Lincoln screaming...that picture really captured the moment!
They are so stinken adorable!!!!! Of course they didn't have Nate's size so I had to phone around until I found a pair and had them shipped to my house. I am so exicted to see the boys in them on Christmas Eve. I had the boys try them on to make sure they fit and I just had to get some photo's which isn't easy when you have two little boys and it's bed time but seriously don't they just look adorable!!!
Lincoln had to hold his brothers hand! |
OK time to stop! |
Ahhh I love it! |
And to top our weekend with Santa! I had to seize the moment. It's November, Santa's at the mall and there was no better time then to get their photo's done! I had the boys decked out in their matching outfits only to have Lincoln start screaming as soon as we got close to Santa! Of course he loved waving to him and yelling his name from afar but up close it was a different story! So...I had to be in the picture too! I really wished they would have printed the picture of Lincoln screaming...that picture really captured the moment!
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Poor Lincoln |
All that matters is that we beat the line ups! I was never really into getting Christmas photo's with Santa done-and I think it was because of the line-ups and I couldn't be bothered to stand in a 3 hour line up with my child just so that they could get their picture taken with Santa! Now knowing he comes in November...well it's a whole new ball game as well as a new family tradition. Where's Kev you ask? Well he was trying to make the kids smile and I know he was thinking the whole time "let's just get this done and over with already." Photo's with Santa isn't for the's for me. So one day I can look back and reminisce on the day I dragged the family to the mall with the boys in their matching outfits just to get a pictures with Santa to say that "we did it." One day they'll thank me for it! I hope!
I loved the boys in their Christmas matching outfits but I couldn't help but think of this movie:Bahahaha! Yes I have become THAT mother that dresses her boys in matching outfits! Kev says I better enjoy it while I can! And I will!!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
McDonald's Free Coffee
I don't think the 16 year old McDonald's drive thru employee was too impressed when I ordered my large coffee with extra cream...I could sense it in her voice when she said, "is that everything?" Yes that was everything. Then again I suppose I'm not the only one that's been holding up the McDonald's drive thru in search of some free coffee. I have to admit it was worth the wait! And by the way 16 year old McDonald's employee I wasn't about to drag my two kids into the restaurant to order my free coffee so sorry if your drive thru times are through the roof! That's the magic of a drive thru baby!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The Train-I just had to post this!
So I finally made it down to the states with both boys. Lincoln hates sitting in his stroller so I decided to opt for the big red Target cart. I know I probably looked like a fool cruising the mall with that thing but hey it worked and I wasn't the only mom doing it so I still looked semi-cool! Bellis Fair has this great little train that travels the mall-and it's a bad idea when you don't have any American cash and your child has a melt down in the middle of the mall when you say no! And hey conductor dude our cash is at par...get with it!
Since the conductor guy wouldn't take my "at par Canadian cash" I had rush to the candy store to get it exchanged all the while Lincoln is sitting in the back of the train while I feared the strange conductor dude would take off with him. Although in this video he doesn't looked stoked...he was trust me he was!!!! I think he was probably a tad bit embarrassed that I chased after the train with my big red Target cart!
He loved that train! |
And yes I left my child alone with this man...I feared he'd drive that train right out of the mall with my child in it...hence the need to chase after the train! |
I took this picture after I fastened his seat belt and over heard some ladies talking, "Oh look he's eating paper"...uh oops! |
The Little Things
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for changing the clock in my car because I know that you know that I don't know how to change it. I would have left it until spring time when the time "springs ahead." See I notice the small things you do.
Thank you for changing the clock in my car because I know that you know that I don't know how to change it. I would have left it until spring time when the time "springs ahead." See I notice the small things you do.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kacey Said it Best
darn you Kate Middleton..
My dreams of becoming Princess Tabitha have almost been completely ruined (despite the fact that I am happily married and have two beautiful baby boys). But hey he isn't married quite maybe there is hope! Bahahahahahahaha!
My dreams of becoming Princess Tabitha have almost been completely ruined (despite the fact that I am happily married and have two beautiful baby boys). But hey he isn't married quite maybe there is hope! Bahahahahahahaha!
The Art of Procrastination
When and how did my child learn how to procrastinate right before bed time...he now asks for water as soon as I tuck him in...and it works! It's like he knows he'll get to stay up a few minutes later while I go and fetch his water. And then there are the hugs...he'll stand at his door yelling "hug, hug, hug you" and who can resist a hug. I swear it's in their DNA...children are born to master the art of procrastination. And right now I hear little Linc's door slowing opening and the sound of his little voice, "Mooommmmm, water." Sorry little buddy but I'm onto you:-)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
We AREN'T Crazy
Well Thursday was a holiday and why not spend it shopping with the fam in the states...uh maybe not! We were at the Sumas overpass and it was backed up and Kev turned to me and said "Do you think this the lineup to the border?" and I was like "Psh...uh no of course not there is probably an accident." accident it was the line up to the border! We detoured around and there it was-car after car after car...miles long! It was insane. We drove to Aldergrove thinking "hey maybe that line up is shorter"...nope even more insane! Wow I can't believe how crazy people were yesterday! The line ups were miles long...insane...absolutely insane!!!!! And we weren't about to wait in those line ups with two babes and I can't believe that some people were crazy enough to wait! I don't know if it's the fact that the dollar is par or if people just wanted to head down south but holy moly I wasn't about to waste my day in a line-up!
So instead we headed to Metrotown which was probably equally insane! Man I tell ya that mall is always packed and it doesn't make it any easier when your two year old wants to walk around! At one point I thought maybe we were with two kids (and boys at that) can get a little hectic but we do it to ourselves! And I 'm so grateful that Kev was kind enough to agree to go to Metrotown with me! I love shopping but now a days I find that my time is limited and I really don't have the patience anymore to be in a crowded mall around people who only want to take their sweet sweet time! We got some Christmas shopping done and Lincoln quite enjoyed himself walking around like a big boy! I think on Friday I'll attempt the U.S. of A with my two boys! Hopefully then the line-ups won't be as long!
So instead we headed to Metrotown which was probably equally insane! Man I tell ya that mall is always packed and it doesn't make it any easier when your two year old wants to walk around! At one point I thought maybe we were with two kids (and boys at that) can get a little hectic but we do it to ourselves! And I 'm so grateful that Kev was kind enough to agree to go to Metrotown with me! I love shopping but now a days I find that my time is limited and I really don't have the patience anymore to be in a crowded mall around people who only want to take their sweet sweet time! We got some Christmas shopping done and Lincoln quite enjoyed himself walking around like a big boy! I think on Friday I'll attempt the U.S. of A with my two boys! Hopefully then the line-ups won't be as long!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
November 9, 2010
As a mom I am a firm believer in choosing my battles. Nap time lately with Lincoln has been a battle and a half especially since he can get out of his bed and open the door and ask for his millionth hug of the day...cute and sweet I know but he'll do this for an hour and when you put him back in his room he cries which in turns wakes up baby Nate. Yesterday was a nap battle I didn't care to win so after an hour of him coming out every couple of minutes for hugs and kisses I gave up and told him he could come have some cuddles on the couch with me. He really insisted he wasn't tired and didn't want to 2 minutes later this is what I looked over to see:-) Really he wasn't tired...he told me so!
And tomorrow is my big day...I'm heading back into Langley to get my molds down for my invisalign braces...a present from my hubby:-) I am excited but nervous-I just want everything to go as planned and in 15-18 months I should have a beautiful perfect smile! I can't wait!
And I just have to mention that yesterday was my parents 30th wedding anniversary:-) INSPIRATIONAL!!!! My parents have truly lived by their wedding vows...for better or for worse...and I still find it cute that when they go for walks they still hold eachothers hands. They have been the most incredible role models and I can't wait to one day celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary!
This is my new favorite picture! |
And this little munckin is 7 months old today!!!! |
Gotta show his 2 pearly whites! |
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This was Lincoln at 7 months!!! |
And I just have to mention that yesterday was my parents 30th wedding anniversary:-) INSPIRATIONAL!!!! My parents have truly lived by their wedding vows...for better or for worse...and I still find it cute that when they go for walks they still hold eachothers hands. They have been the most incredible role models and I can't wait to one day celebrate my 30th wedding anniversary!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Swimming Lessons
So yesterday Lincoln had his very first swim lesson...and he didn't like it! We've been talking about swimming lessons for weeks and how we are going to go into the big boy pool with the other kids and when I woke him up yesterday morning and told him we had to get ready for swimming lessons he let out his "I'm so excited" giddy little laugh! He loves baths, and blowing bubbles in the water and he lays on his stomach and kicks and puts his head under water. At my parents pool he just plays on the stairs and in Maui he loved the hot tub but I think it was because he could walk around in it but any time you take him into the pool he just hangs on to us for dear life! He did just that yesterday...arms clenched around my neck, shrieking screams...he was terrified! Kevin, Nate and my dad came to watch and Lincoln screamed at the top of his lungs, "Papa, Papa, Papa" over and over again. I finally had to motion to them to sit down so that Lincoln couldn't see them...even then he cried for his papa! Once we got into the kiddie pool he was a totally different child-hopping like a frog, blowing bubbles, sliding down the slide, acting like he loved water! I am really hoping these lessons bring him some self confidence when he's in the pool! And of course I forgot his pants at home (I took him in his swim shorts) so the poor little guy had to walk out with his jacket and diaper on. Note to self: check bag before we leave!
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Back in the day when he loved the water! |
Friday, November 5, 2010
Back In the Day
So my mom has this old fisher price circus train from back in the day and Lincoln is obsessed with trains and every time he goes to Mom and Papa's house he has to go get the train right away. The thing is in bad shape...meaning the hooks that are suppose to hold it together are broken so it's held together with elastics. She's been on the hunt for the same one and I said I'd look on eBay and there it was...a bunch of them...and they are not cheap...we are talking $75-$150 for this little fisher price train...but now it's vintage so of course they are going to charge you an arm and a leg! Which really dates me...if this toy is now classified as vintage what does that say about me? Ahhh I'm getting old! So I've now placed a couple of bids on eBay (I'm an eBay virgin) and I'm hoping we score this train at a wicked deal! Lincoln would love it! I also came across some old fisher price pretend food from back in my day and it brought back so many memories! I can't believe how much people are asking for this stuff-$60 and up! It's crazy! But I have to admit this play food was the bomb back in the day and it still is! I thought about buying it but couldn't justify spending $400 on play food for the kiddies (sorry kids)! It is super cool stuff though! And it's vintage! Pretend food now a days just isn't as good of quality as it was back then which is funny cause you think it would be the other way around! Oh I'd love to have all of these things again!
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And this kitchen...who could forget this kitchen!!!!! |
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This one was the cheapest at $60! |
![]() | fricken cool is this set! And I remember the griddle makes the sound of bacon frying! |
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Ahh the can opener and the soup...I love it! |
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Where Has Time Gone?
I went looking for a photo tonight and started going through Lincoln's photo albums...seriously where has the time gone? I sat there shocked looking at pictures of my sweet little boy and it seems like those moments were ages ago! Why does time have to move so quickly? Why can't I stay in some moments forever? I know time has to go on and I know if I was stuck in the moment of Lincoln being 1 all over again I wouldn't have little baby Nate but ever since we had Lincoln time is just flying by! It made me realize how precious time is and to not take one moment for granted. So much has changed in the two years since Lincoln has been born and I can't believe how much he has changed. I don't ever want my memories to fade. I don't ever want to forget the moment I saw those two lines on the pregnancy test (as shocking as it was). I don't ever want to forget the emotions...I still remember those feelings...when I close my eyes tight I remember them all and I remember thinking "this is what it feels like to find out you are pregnant...take it all in...this moment will not last forever." I don't ever want to forget the moment I saw his perfect little body on the ultrasound monitor. I don't ever want to forget how blessed I felt. I don't ever want to forget the moment I went into labor. I don't ever want to forget the moment I was told I was in labor (5 weeks early). I don't ever want to forget my labor and the pain and the songs that danced through my head while I huffed on laughing gas in a small dark shower! I don't ever want to forget the sounds of the doctors voices telling me to push. I don't ever want to forget Kev's encouraging words. I don't ever want to forget the moment he was placed in my arms and I kept yelling "He's so beautiful" over and over and over again even though I hadn't even seen his face...but I just knew. I don't ever want to forget how perfect I thought he was! I don't ever want to forget the emotions that flooded my body. Life was was was spectacular...and it truly truly was!!! I don't ever want to forget the moment the nurse handed Lincoln to! what a moment...a moment that will forever be etched in my brain. I will never forget that moment! I don't ever want to forget how in love I fell! I don't ever want to forget how grateful I was to have been able to hold him immediately after he was born (he was born 5 weeks early and we were told we weren't going to be able to hold him). I don't ever want to forget the love that filled my delivery room after he was born. I don't ever want to forget the moment my dad walked into the delivery room after he was born holding his cup of Tim Horton's coffee...why I'll never forget that I don't know but I remember the proud look on his face and I think that's why I remember that moment. I don't ever want to forget the walk from the delivery room to the hospital room...pushing my baby in his bassinet...yes this is MY baby and yes I just had him and yes I am proud. I don't ever want to forget the first moment I saw Lincoln in the hard as it was I don't ever want to forget the emotions I felt having to leave my baby behind and the emotions I felt every day when we would go to the hospital to see him. And the emotions I felt when he was snuggled so perfectly in my arms. I don't ever want to forget that moment when we went into the NICU on July 11, 2008 and we were told we could finally take our baby home. I don't ever want to forget those emotions...pure, pure, pure, joy! I don't eve want to forget falling in love with my husband all over again. I don't ever want to forget the endless hours I spent rocking my baby to sleep. I don't ever want to forget the sound of his sweet innocent voice calling me mom for the first time. And I don't ever want to forget the hours I spent watching him sleep peacefully. I don't ever want to forget his first steps and his first words...all his firsts. I don't ever want to forget the moment he became a big brother...oh what a moment!!!!!
He's only 2 but it feels like he's been apart of my life forever. He made me a mommy...the moment I had waited for my whole life! I don't know why God chose us to be his parents but I am so blessed that he did. Lincoln you truly are an amazing son and I am so so so blessed that you have come into our lives. You are very much loved!
He's only 2 but it feels like he's been apart of my life forever. He made me a mommy...the moment I had waited for my whole life! I don't know why God chose us to be his parents but I am so blessed that he did. Lincoln you truly are an amazing son and I am so so so blessed that you have come into our lives. You are very much loved!
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